Bobby Deol and other Deols
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 28.12.07 17:50. Заголовок: Статьи, интервью на английском / Articles and interviews - 2

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.10.08 00:01. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Ну а ..

BobbyK пишет:
Ну а чё блин припахались - опять про танцы и левые ноги.. Нет чтобы че-нить умное спросить....
Эх, нас тама не было..

ты права . права на все сто.
вся индийская общественность уже знает, что Дхар подарил на 60-летие Хеме.
а что Саня получил на праздник не знает никто. вот и спросили бы, балбесы, как отметил, да что подарила любимая семья и братец меньший.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.10.08 00:05. Заголовок: Tony пишет: спросил..

Tony пишет:

спросили бы, балбесы, как отметил, да что подарила любимая семья и братец меньший.

эх-эх.. похоже нам никогда этого не узнать..
Ну или спросили бы хоть, скока лет ему стукнуло, а то ведь измучились все..

Поживем - увидим... и другим покажем. (c) *Akki
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.10.08 18:05. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Ну ил..

BobbyK пишет:

Ну или спросили бы хоть, скока лет ему стукнуло, а то ведь измучились все

Думается, журналисты либо пребывают в уверенности, что они в курсе (не помню в какой статье кто-то совершенно уверено заявил, мол Санни Деолу 51 год) либо им не ловко интересоваться - а че раньше не спрашивали?
Человек уже 25 лет в индустрии и занимает там отнюдь не последнее место, а никто ни разу не удосужился поинтересоваться его собственным днем рождения. Им все про левые ноги интересно
Надо же, никого (кроме поклонников ) не смущает такой разброд в датах Саниного рождения, что в инете встречается...

Не про Кондрата да Панкрата сложена МахабхарАта.
Не про Касьяна да Демьяна сложена РамаЯна.
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.10.08 12:40. Заголовок: Опаньки! Санька в ..

Опаньки! Санька в последней интервьюхе не даром такой недовольный был.
Это он опять на всю пишущую братию страаашно обиделся . теперь из-за сына Rocky.

Sunny's angry!

24 Oct 2008

Sunny Deol ka gussa over reports of his son’s ‘launch’!

Sunny Deol doesn’t interact with the media too often. Reason? To start with, he is very media-shy. Gotit! Then, he informs us, that what the media writes is ‘supposedly’ different from reality.

Didn’t get it! Thirdly he probably thinks he needs to only promote only his movies, and not the star Sunny Deol. Phew, don’t know what to say. But everyone still loves Sunny’s movies and his rare interviews (though nowadays the former is as scarce as the latter).

But here is a warning, dearies. The Deol is fairly upset with the media about reporting ‘untrue’ facts about his beta, Rocky. The rumour is that Sunny is making big plans to launch his son in his next home production. Sunny denies it and says he has no such ideas right now, and Rocky is not yet ready to face the camera. Okay, okay, paaji! Don’t be gussa with the media. We’ll hang in there and wait ... till the world is ready for handsome Rocky, right?


прилагающуюся фотку "сурового" Санни выкладываю в соответствующую темку

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.10.08 12:55. Заголовок: Настя пишет: Надо ..

Настя пишет:
Надо же, никого (кроме поклонников ) не смущает такой разброд в датах Саниного рождения, что в инете встречается...

а знаешь... некоторых поклонников это тоже не смущает .
жила я себе спокойно, особо не задумываясь над конкретной датой (главное, знаю ведь, что октябрьский он). А тут вдрух BobbyK со своими исследованиями Бобсового древа . ну я и прониклась. ничего себе, думаю, - настоящие раскопки. Истинный Деоловед.

все-таки по большому счету, на дату Санькиного Дня Рождения я особо не заморачиваюсь: хочет человек сохранить приват, пущай сохраняет.
Знаю, что он - Весы. Этого достаточно.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.10.08 13:05. Заголовок: Tony пишет: Знаю, ч..

Tony пишет:

Знаю, что он - Весы. Этого достаточно.

Да я вот на санькин год тоже не сильно заморачиваюсь, а вот бобсовый.. Признацца в свое время вогнал меня в состояние легкого помешательства - и почему, не знаю..

Тааак, а насчет Роки значицца опять журналисты поторопились? А мы уже вовсю ждем, между прочим.. Так шта готов - не готов, нас мало волнует, пущщай предъявит наследника.. Ну лет пять так и быть подождем, я вопчем-то раньше и не рассчитывала..

Поживем - увидим... и другим покажем. (c) *Akki
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.10.08 13:19. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Так ш..

BobbyK пишет:
Так шта готов - не готов, нас мало волнует, пущщай предъявит наследника.. Ну лет пять так и быть подождем...

агась. подождем. подождем. а потом подождем еще . полагаю, Бобсовы малыши скорее под свет кинокамер выйдут.

но ежели посмотреть с другой стороны, то должно же быть в мире нечто Вечное. вот таким Вечным и является ожидание Деоловских релизов и Санькиных сыновей. Так что... продолжаем медитировать .

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.10.08 18:14. Заголовок: Tony пишет: подожде..

Tony пишет:

подождем. подождем. а потом подождем еще

Прямо как мантра звучит и правда..
По поводу сыновей - деться некуда, но ему, папе, виднее, главное, желание и одобрение всех сторон имеется, значит, это дело времени.
На "прямо сейчас" и я как-то не рассчитывала. Уже начинаю понимать, что в отношении Деолов понятие "прямо сейчас" просто не существует
Помедитируем, ага...

Не про Кондрата да Панкрата сложена МахабхарАта.
Не про Касьяна да Демьяна сложена РамаЯна.
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.10.08 18:21. Заголовок: Tony пишет: все-так..

Tony пишет:

а знаешь... некоторых поклонников это тоже не смущает

Мне даже не сколько сам год интересен, а то внушительное разнообразие этих самых годов.
Интересно, откудова они взялись?....
Понятно дело, сперва информаторов-затейников было не много - а от них потом ошибки поползли по разным сайтам и страницам.
Потолковать бы по душам с этими первыми путаниками - не с потолка же они даты брали в конце концов

Tony пишет:

хочет человек сохранить приват, пущай сохраняет

Мамадорогая, по-моему, легче сказать относительно чего он НЕ сохраняет этот самый приват, чем наоборот

Не про Кондрата да Панкрата сложена МахабхарАта.
Не про Касьяна да Демьяна сложена РамаЯна.
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.10.08 19:10. Заголовок: Настя пишет: Поня..

Настя пишет:
Понятно дело, сперва информаторов-затейников было не много - а от них потом ошибки поползли по разным сайтам и страницам.

это из-за того, что Санькин возраст и семейное положение изначально было окутано ореолом тайны. имидж ему ваяли.
Должно быть, Дхарова задумка. пенджабская хитрость
отсюда все разночтения в нете.

Настя пишет:
по-моему, легче сказать относительно чего он НЕ сохраняет этот самый приват, чем наоборот

ну... он у нас все-таки не Штирлиц .

Саня был довольно искренен в своих интервью. просто с годами позиция "надел каску-занял оборону" стала прогрессировать. На то были свои причины.

он слишком доверчив, упрям, слишком эмоционален/темпераментен и явно не дипломат. а кинобизнес - штука жестокая. требует умения держать свои эмоции при себе.

Как кинозвезда Саня состоялся, но как Актер он был недостаточно востребован.
Сантоши правильно сказал:

    Jan 11, 2008

    ...Sunny is a very talented and sensitive actor, whom I successfully managed to showcase in Ghayal, Damini and Ghatak.

    But it’s unfortunate that nobody tapped his acting talents after that; they made him repeat the same thing without exploring or letting him go further.


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.10.08 19:11. Заголовок: пока что не встре..

пока что не встречала совместных интервью Санни-Салмаха. только вот такие отрывки:

Sunny side up

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The star talks about his ‘war films’ and why the last one touches a different chord in his heart

Sunny Deol says that though he has acted in films about soldiers before, the script of Heroes, his last film about war and soldiers, has touched him in a very different way.

“Earlier I have done films like Border which tell you the stories about war and soldiers. There are plenty of war scenes there where it is shown that how soldiers cope up with the adversities and life threatening situations in the war zone and even how they miss their family and home. But in
Heroes, we have tried a completely new way of telling the life story of a soldier. In the film, we speak about them through the viewpoint of their families who have lost their near ones in a war. The families, who are still proud of sending their children to the army, knowing fully well they might become martyrs in a war,” Sunny says.

Sunny is all praise for his co-star Salman Khan. “As you know, Salman is a very professional man and we have bonded very well on the sets of Heroes. That’s why we are sitting here together and giving interviews,” he says with a smile.

Sunny adds that he could relate to his character very well in Heroes and that
acting in a multi-starrer was never an issue for him.

“I only take up films when I relate to the character that I’m going to play. I could relate a lot to my character in the film. I had a very strong role and I loved doing it. I like intense strong characters to essay in films. The fact that the film is a multi-starrer was not a problem for me as all the roles were well etched out. I knew what I was doing and the film really touched me and that is why I said ok to it.”


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.02.09 01:14. Заголовок: Слуште, я с этими Де..

Director Rahul Rawail recalls how the adaptation of 'The Taming of the Shrew' worked wonders with the feisty Amrita Singh and the dashing Sunny Deol in the lead. A benchmark as far as young romances go, Betaab makes for a perfect watch even after 25 years!

Sunny's launch vehicle

Lime and green textured walls, minimal decor and plush sofas to sink in comfortably form the setting of Rahul Rawail's Juhu office. Over a steaming cup of chai, he rewinds 25 years ago to when he was only 29 and three films old (Gunehgaar, Love Story, Biwi O Biwi). He was at a strange crossroads in life as Love Story became a hit but owing to differences with Rajendra Kumar, the producer of the film, he was denied the credit. "I was pleasantly surprised when Dharamji sent for me after the Love Story mess-up," he harks back. Rawail was well acquainted with Dharmendra not only through his father, H S Rawail, the maker of classics like Laila Majnu and Mere Mehboob, but had also worked with him as Raj Kapoor's assistant during the making of Mera Naam Joker. "I met Dharamji and his brother Ajit ji at his Juhu bungalow when he asked me to captain Sunny Deol's launch vehicle. Then it was the biggest deal for any young director at that time," he recalls happily. That was in April, 1980.

Статья посвящена 25-й годовщине выхода Betaab, и кстати там еще много чего написано, вот по ссылочке - если пролистать странички

"Я не стекло - не разобьюсь, но бить меня не надо..." (c) *Э. Ростан. Сирано де Бержерак
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.02.09 14:38. Заголовок: Кстати, к спорам нас..

Кстати, к спорам насчет отношений Санни и сводных сестер, то в огромной книге про Хему есть аж 3 фотки Санни с Эшей и Аханой, плюс на одной фото еще и сын Санни с ними, все счастливы и довольны! Фото опубликованы с разрешения самого Санька! Если будет возможность, то выложу скоро для просмотра.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.02.09 15:28. Заголовок: Ух ты!! http://jpe.r..

Ух ты!! А вот это здорово, будем ждать!

Ну Саня всегда отличался лояльностью, у него и с Хемой отношения вполне даже теплые..

"Я не стекло - не разобьюсь, но бить меня не надо..." (c) *Э. Ростан. Сирано де Бержерак
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.03.09 19:43. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Стат..

BobbyK пишет:
Статья посвящена 25-й годовщине выхода Betaab, и кстати там еще много чего написано, вот по ссылочке - если пролистать странички

щас мы это интервью режиссера Санькиного дебюта все сюда перенесем.
ничего нового Rahul Rawail особо не сказал, а все равно приятно почитать.

Ranch romance

Feb 20, 2009

Director Rahul Rawail recalls how the adaptation of The Taming Of The Shrew worked wonders with the feisty Amrita Singh and the dashing Sunny Deol in the lead. A benchmark as far as young romances go, it makes for a perfect watch even after 25 years!

Sunny’s launch vehicle

Lime and green textured walls, minimal decor and plush sofas to sink in comfortably form the setting of Rahul Rawail’s Juhu office. Over a steaming cup of chai, he rewinds 25 years ago to when he was only 29 and three films old (Gunehgaar, Love Story, Biwi O Biwi). He was at a strange crossroads in life as Love Story became a hit but owing to differences with Rajendra Kumar, the producer of the film, he was denied the credit. “I was pleasantly surprised when Dharamji sent for me after the Love Story mess-up,” he harks back. Rawail was well acquainted with Dharmendra not only through his father, H S Rawail, the maker of classics like Laila Majnu and Mere Mehboob, but had also worked with him as Raj Kapoor’s assistant during the making of Mera Naam Joker. “I met Dharamji and his brother Ajit ji at his Juhu bungalow when he asked me to captain Sunny Deol’s launch vehicle. Then it was the biggest deal for any young director at that time,” he recalls happily. That was in April, 1980.

Taming of the shrew

When it came to finalising the script, Rawail suggested the theme of Shakespeare’s The Taming Of The Shrew, “I was fascinated by the play since childhood,” reasons Rawail. The initial draft of the script did not measure up to the expectations of either the director or the producer and that writer was fired. Thereafter Javed Akhtar came on board and this was his first independent project after the split of the famous Salim-Javed duo.” I narrated him just the idea and he wove the entire screenplay around it. He based the film in a stud farm in order to incorporate Sunny’s expertise as a horse-rider,” he adds. Akhtar incorporated the taming of the wild horse sequence as a metaphor for the taming of the shrew. It was surprising how the two headstrong men - Akhtar and Rawal - hit it off together. “We had a very amiable working relationship, Javedsaab never imposed himself on me and I never dictated terms to him,” reasons Rawail, further adding,”The rich girl - poor boy romance worked well with the farm- fresh scenes and Sunny and Dingy’s (Amrita Singh) youthful gusto.”

Shy Sunny - feisty Dingy

Rawail’s first impression of young Sunny is that “he was strikingly good-looking and well-mannered.” What endeared the director to the debutant hero was his “enthusiasm about work”. Very much like Kumar Gaurav, Sunny Deol was a star-son who had the “urge for putting in hard work”. Not surprising that Rawail and Sunny paired up in as many as seven films together viz. Betaab, Arjun, Dacait, Samundar, Yodha, Arjun Pandit and Jo Bole So Nihaal. “We share a great rapport,” admits Rawail.
While looking for a “new girl” Rahul’s friend Shashi Pancholi, friend and general manager of Maurya Hotel, recommended Rukhsana Sultana’s daughter Amrita Singh, fondly known as Dingy, “I don’t think she was even interested in films then but she fitted in so well with the part of Roma, the rich, spoilt brat. Dingy was so spontaneous and vivacious, she was just perfectly cast,” Rawail recalls. While on the one hand, Sunny was an introvert who listened to his director attentively, feisty Dingy on the other hand would have big “fights” and arguments with him. “She was always the rebel. Dingy’s not a hypocrite, she called a spade a spade. She spoke straight to your face, there was no back-biting for her. I liked her forthrightness,” remarks Rawail. Together, Sunny and Amrita made a sizzling on-screen pair.
Shammi Kapoor who played Amrita’s rich dad, was the oblivious choice for the role,” There is something aristocratic about every Kapoor. I had fun shooting with Shammi uncle,” he says.

No budget, no deadline

Dharmendra was a dream producer for young Rawail as he gave him a free hand with the film, “No limits were set - neither a budget nor any deadline. We enjoyed total creative freedom,” he relates. There was no interference whatsoever from Dharmendra or Rukhsana, “In fact the only time Dharamji visited the sets was in Kashmir. He stayed there only for a day, saying he was extremely bored just watching the shoot,” guffaws Rawail. He confesses that Rukhsana was one of the nicest persons he met, “She was wonderfully clean-hearted,” he reminisces fondly.
Betaab was shot over long outdoor schedules. Starting off with over 50 days in Pahalgam, Kashmir which served as Sunny’s ranch, and 30 days in Bangalore where the action scenes were captured. “Dingy’s Tikamgarh farm -house was initially shot in Delhi and then in Bangalore. Dingy’s famous ghat-climbing scene was canned at Mahabaleshwar,” informs the director. Only two sets - that of the interior of Roma’s house and one for the Badal yun garajta hai song were put up in Mumbai.

English masters for equestrian stunts

Capitalising on Sunny’s expertise as a horse rider, the film had some scintillating equestrian stunts executed by renowned action masters from the West. Jim Allen, who had earlier directed stunts in Sholay, also executed the major action sequences in Betaab as well. Tinny Powell and Tony Smart, both English equestrian specialists, directed the breathtaking sequences in the climax.
“Although we had a body-double ready for Sunny, he insisted on performing the death-defying action of sliding under the horse-carriage to grab at the villain, Prem Chopra, who was riding on top. I thundered, ‘Out of the question’, but Sunny had his way! The way the climax is shot, you can clearly see Sunny in action - it’s a hair-raising sequence.” He recalls with a shudder, “It was the most anxious moment of the film.”

Pancham’s score, Bakshi’s genius

The film had meaningful songs, composed by R D Burman, rendered by Lata Mangeshkar and Shabbir Kumar. All the five songs – Badal yun garajta hai, Jab hum jawaan honge, Parbaton se aaj main, Teri tasveer mil gayee and Apne dil se badi dushmuni ki were memorable hits. “How many antaras do you need?” enquired veteran lyricist Anand Bakshi and Rawail replied, “Five.” The next day Bakshi handed over 40 antaras and said,” Keep the ones you like.” That was for the famous song, Jab hum jawaan honge...
Baadal yun garajta hai ... was the first song to be shot for the film, “After watching the rushes, all of us felt that it that could have been done better and so we re-shot it. It worked better in the new and improved avatar,” he declares gladly. The film was wrapped up in two years since taking gaps between schedules was a normal thing then.

Riots for tickets

Sunny’s launch film had already generated a strong buzz in the film industry since after every schedule, rushes had to be shown in preview theatres,”Word got around and Betaab had a positive impact right from the release,” he recalls with a smile. Surprisingly, there was no special premiere organised for the big launch, “Dharamji didn’t want a big premiere but we organised a show at Gaiety and Galaxy theatres for the entire industry,” he narrates.
Rahul Rawail, Javed Akhtar and Sunny Deol suffered pre-release jitters since it was Sunny’s first film, Akhtar’s first independent venture and Rawail’s big film after the Love Story fiasco, “I started growing a beard then and vowed to cut it off only after the film was declared a hit,” he laughs. On the opening day of the film, he was surprised to be accosted by a film distributor from Punjab,” Two people are dead, the film is such a big hit that there was a riot for tickets and there was a police firing,” he said laughing heartily. Rawail was stunned at his macabre pleasure, “If you noticed, Javedsaab has cleverly used that incident in Luck By Chance,” he points out.
“Dharamji watched the film every day for the first two weeks at Gaiety theatre in Bandra, Mumbai,” he informs. The film was an unprecedented hit, it launched Sunny as a huge star and Rawail was considered the new whizkid on the block. “It was a great high! I was surprised by people’s changed attitude towards me. ‘We knew that you had it in you,’ they said,” he smiles wickedly.
Betaab remains a benchmark as far as young romances go. It makes for a perfect Valentine watch even after 25 years!


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