Bobby Deol and other Deols
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или Лорик :))

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.09.08 22:04. Заголовок: Tony пишет: откуда ..

Tony пишет:

откуда эта уверенность в том, что Бобс ее и знать не хочет?

уверенности нет, я ж не говорю что он ее не любит.. Я говорю - "не наблюдается".. Если кто-нить "наблюдёт" - буду чрезвычайно признательна..
С Аханой канеш сложнее, поскольку про нее журналистам и спрашивать особо нечего - Эшка хоть на виду, а Ахана.. Не прячется конечно, но но далеко не так заметна.

Tony пишет:

если на свадьбе Аханы не будет ни Сани, ни Бобса, тогда "да"..

А на свадьбе Эши? Или мы ее заведомо вычеркиваем из списка?
Кстати, только сегодня прочитала ее интервью, где она говорила, что особо не торопится замуж, поскольку еще не нашла такого же как ее отец.
(сонце, ты счас наверняка мне опять посоветуешь забросить старика Фрейда куда-нить подальше, лучше бы на помойку.. Пожалуй, я так и сделаю.. )

Но в общем и целом, наверное соглашусь с Настей. Мне тоже очень хочется видеть их вместе. Пусть не с Хемой - но с девчонками хотя бы.
Все выкладки насчет традиционной культуры и прочая понимаю и принимаю, но большое и жирное "но" таки в подсознании сидит..

И еще, в последнее время постепенно прихожу к мысли, что наши дражайшие Деолы малость переусердствовали в своем стремлеиии жить обособленно от этого мира.. Раньше меня это очень даже умиляло, но сейчас начинает немного напрягать.. Ну или не напрягать, а вносить какое-то ощущение дискомфорта. Я очень хорошо понимаю их стремление оберегать свое пространство, но улиточная тактика в этом жестоком мире не срабатывает. Вряд ли они наверное научатся когда-нибудь держать удар, так и будут ломиться на одни и те же грабли. Chamku, а точнее его кассовый провал как-то мне здорово аукнулся в этом смысле, не знаю что теперь думать.. Кста, где-нить можно найти инфу о бюджете этого фильма? Или они как всегда все засекретили?

Поживем - увидим... и другим покажем. (c) *Akki
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.09.08 22:31. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Я гов..

BobbyK пишет:
Я говорю - "не наблюдается"..

а по отношению к родным сестрам много чего наблюдается?

BobbyK пишет:
А на свадьбе Эши? Или мы ее заведомо вычеркиваем из списка?

элементарно, Ватсон . никак не думала, что такие вещи оговаривать придется.

Иша выбрала карьеру актрисы, а значит, свадьба в ее жизненных планах не значится на ближайшие несколько лет точно. так как замужество положит конец ее актерским начинаниям. следовательно, Ахана выйдет замуж первой. поэтому и разговор о Ее свадьбе.

BobbyK пишет:
особо не торопится замуж, поскольку еще не нашла такого же как ее отец.

даже если она и найдет такого как отец, еще не факт, что этот парень увидит в ней Хему Малини .

BobbyK пишет:
Мне тоже очень хочется видеть их вместе. Пусть не с Хемой - но с девчонками хотя бы.

а ты много видела Деолов с родными сестрами?

BobbyK пишет:
Вряд ли они наверное научатся когда-нибудь держать удар, так и будут ломиться на одни и те же грабли.

о каких граблях речь?
а уж удар они держать умеют, не беспокойся. просто Деолам не хватает коммерческой жилки, чутья на успешные проекты.

BobbyK пишет:
И еще, в последнее время постепенно прихожу к мысли, что наши дражайшие Деолы малость переусердствовали в своем стремлеиии жить обособленно от этого мира..

Chamku, а точнее его кассовый провал как-то мне здорово аукнулся в этом смысле, не знаю что теперь думать..

Каким образом стремление жить обособленно связано с флопом Chamku? не вижу связи .

BobbyK пишет:
Раньше меня это очень даже умиляло, но сейчас начинает немного напрягать.. Ну или не напрягать, а вносить какое-то ощущение дискомфорта.

а стань Chamku хитом, дискомфорта бы ты не испытывала ?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.09.08 22:43. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Все в..

BobbyK пишет:
Все выкладки насчет традиционной культуры и прочая понимаю и принимаю

то-то и оно, что для тебя все написанное о традициях, формирующих мировосприятие, не более чем "выкладки",
а для Деолов - культура, в традициях которой они были воспитаны, - это то, чем они дышат, чем они живут.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.09.08 22:48. Заголовок: Tony пишет: ты мног..

Tony пишет:

ты много видела Деолов с родными сестрами?

мдя.. немного..
Tony пишет:

о каких граблях речь?

сейчас попробую объяснить.. У них очень много построено на личных отношениях - слишком много.. Личные отношения с режиссерами (хороший реж - как член семьи), с актерами - многие снимаются у них чуть ли не за красивые деоловские глаза и т.д. Это все прекрасно, но так не делаются дела. Может быть, они в последнее время это и осознали (по крайней мере на словах) и пытаются организоваться - но по Чамку этого не очень-то видно.. Меня собственно взбеленила в этом смысле одна из последних бобсовых интервьюшек - я писала у Бо.. Он про всех говорит - ах, какие они милые, согласились сниматься без вопросов.. Это прекрасно, но елы-палы.. Это уже не песочница, это взрослая игра под названием бизнес, и если они не только снимаются в кино, но еще его и продюсируют, должен быть серьезный, взрослый подход.

А вот стань Чамку хитом, возможно у меня этого чувства не возникло бы..

Tony пишет:

Каким образом стремление жить обособленно связано с флопом Chamku? не вижу связи

это я просто упустила несколько звеньев логической цепи. обособленная жизнь -> свой мирок -> мы работаем только с друзьями -> по итогу получается... Я канеш немного утрирую, но в принципе направление мысли наверное понятно?

Поживем - увидим... и другим покажем. (c) *Akki
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.09.08 22:50. Заголовок: Tony пишет: а уж уд..

Tony пишет:

а уж удар они держать умеют, не беспокойся

не знаю.. Саня - может быть, а вот насчет Бо у меня такой уверенности нет, иначе он не линял бы всякий раз из города во время премьеры..

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.09.08 23:35. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: них о..

BobbyK пишет:
них очень много построено на личных отношениях - слишком много..


обособленная жизнь -> свой мирок -> мы работаем только с друзьями -> по итогу получается...

практически весь Болливуд работает на принципах родственных/клановых и дружеских отношений, так что Деолы тут ничем не отличаются от своих соратников по цеху. просто в отличие от того же Шарика они не обладают деловой хваткой.
а самим снимать так хочется... прям неймется .

BobbyK пишет:
Личные отношения с режиссерами (хороший реж - как член семьи)

а у кого это не так? вон Шарик с Караном сколько лет уже дружат, Аджай с Сантоши то ж так дружили-так дружили..., у Санжу нескончаемая череда дружбы-не-разлей-вода с режиссерами. Салман с Дхаваном аки голуби, всех не перечислишь.

BobbyK пишет:
Он про всех говорит - ах, какие они милые, согласились сниматься без вопросов..

не думаю, что Деолы предлагают актерам большие гонорары, - у них не крупный продюсерский дом, - поэтому актеры класса А у них не снимаются. следовательно, Бо очень рад тому, что кто-то оказывается настолько милым, что соглашается на то, что предложено - по дружбе, либо из симпатии, либо потому, что никуда больше не зовут .
Саня никогда не умел грамотно распределять финансы и вряд ли этому научится, поэтому и постоянный бардак в делах, постоянные суды по поводу невыплат.

так что мы имеем большую амбицию, не подкрепленную грамотным вложением средств. но так было не всегда. Деолы знают вкус побед, только повторить их им не удается уже долгое время. и дело тут, возможно, в том что представление о хорошем фильме у них зачастую не совпадает с мнением публики.
полагаю, они не ориентируются на современный зрительский спрос.

Chamku необходимо было доработать на уровне сценария: вывести за границы Истории Мести, четче прописать характеры, развернуть интригу. тогда был бы шанс на успех в кассе. а так... фильм выпущен недоделанным, отсюда результат.

BobbyK пишет:
не знаю.. Саня - может быть, а вот насчет Бо у меня такой уверенности нет, иначе он не линял бы всякий раз из города во время премьеры..

да кто тут о Бо говорит ?
Саня и Дхар - опора семьи, а Бобс... это же малютка Бо. какой с него спрос ?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.09.08 09:25. Заголовок: Tony пишет: полагаю..

Tony пишет:

полагаю, они не ориентируются на современный зрительский спрос.

а как им, интересно знать, ориентироваться, если они его и не изучают, этот спрос? Прессу не читают, на тв не тусуются, Санька вон даже кино не смотрит. Двоешник.
Tony пишет:

это же малютка Бо. какой с него спрос ?

гы-гы.. Да уж сороковник на горизонте (если мои расчеты верны ), пора уже как-то переквалифицироваться из "малюток".. Тем более, что чутье у него есть, может он и смог бы в нужном направлении развить семейный бизнес? Это канеш всего лишь умозрительное предположение, но кто его знает.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.09.08 11:54. Заголовок: After APNE, Sunny &#..

After APNE, Sunny & Bobby camaraderie is back

September 22, 2008 11:16:33 AM IST
Joginder Tuteja, Bollywood Trade News Network

Deol brothers are continuing to churn the 'pujabiyat' angle in each film of theirs. And something to this tune is pretty much on the cards, especially when the two share a common platform. This is for everyone to see in their forthcoming film HEROES where the two are seen as army officers.

The two are said to be brothers in the film and one of the sequences in their segment (HEROES is apparently an episodic film with Salman–Preity and Mithun–Dino pairing being seen in the other segments), Sunny and Bobby are required to be shaking a leg or two for a song. The number in question here is 'Makhna' which is yet another hardcore Punjabi dance track and features the two in a pub enjoying their round of drinks. While pretty girls in the background add on to the glam quotient, Sunny and Bobby bring to fore their camaraderie once again.

Incidentally even the last time when the Deol brothers came together (APNE), they were seen celebrating with their friends and family. The film was APNE and the number in question was 'Ankh Vich Chehra Pyar Da' which was composed by Himesh Reshammiya. However, this time around, it is Salman Khan's favorite composer duo of Sajid and Wajid which has given music for HEROES.

Looking at 'Makhna', one wonders though if even in current scenario, audience indeed longs for a dance number like this which doesn't really offer new. Also, there has been a decade long talk about Deol brothers being HIT in the North India belt and hence a Punjabi angle is required. Still, a fact which cannot be denied is that last one year has been especially cruel for Bobby and Sunny who have seen their biggest box office failures in the form of CHAMKU and KAAFILA respectively.

However, now one looks forward to see if the 'Punjabi' angle in 'makhna' works this time around for Deol brothers in HEROES.

Pyar kabhi bhi marta nahin
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 11:21. Заголовок: ZOOM wishes Sunny De..

ZOOM wishes Sunny Deol a very Happy Birthday.


Pyar kabhi bhi marta nahin
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 11:30. Заголовок: Ману пасип! http://j..

Ману пасип!
Ману пишет:

ZOOM wishes Sunny Deol a very Happy Birthday

штой-то они так заранее желают-то?
И статейка - мдя.. изобилует неточностями..
кто больше насчитает?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 12:15. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: штой-..

BobbyK пишет:

штой-то они так заранее желают-то?

Может потом забудут? Сколероз...

Pyar kabhi bhi marta nahin
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 12:18. Заголовок: Вот еще...напоминают..

Вот еще...напоминают нам, чтоб не забыли Санни поздравить..


Pyar kabhi bhi marta nahin
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 13:24. Заголовок: Ману пишет: напомин..

Ману пишет:

напоминают нам, чтоб не забыли Санни поздравить

Да куда ж мы денемси?
Поздравим по-любому

Не про Кондрата да Панкрата сложена МахабхарАта.
Не про Касьяна да Демьяна сложена РамаЯна.
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.10.08 21:43. Заголовок: Что-то Саня не сл..

Что-то Саня не слишком праздничное интервью дал. или корреспондент ему не глянулся .

I live in the present

Sunny Deol talks about his forthcoming film Heroes and having two left feet


What is your definition of a hero?
Anyone who has mastered the art of getting over his weaknesses, who thinks not just about enhancing his friends’ and family’s life but also believes in bringing about positive changes in the society and the world; someone whom the people at large can idolise, is a hero to me.

Who do you look up to?
My father.

You have always been criticised for your dancing style. Who is your dancing idol?
If I was offered a film where I had to play a dancer, then I would look up to a dance idol. But as of now I don’t look up to any dancing hero. As for my dancing abilities, I hate dancing. But I think I have done quite well for myself. (laughs)

It is said that Bobby Deol taught you to dance for a song in the film…
Yes. He did teach me during the 'makhana' song and in turn, he forgot his own steps. (laughs)

Heroes is your third film with Bobby. How has he evolved as an actor over the years?
Bobby was shy when he first began his career as an actor (Barsaat in 1995). Today, he is more confident. He has cracked his shell and emerged as a very talented and triumphant actor.

What is the film, Heroes, all about?
People are under the impression that Heroes is a film about wars between countries, but it is not. In fact there is only one fighting scene in the film. The film’s story revolves around soldiers and their entire gamut of experiences right from guarding the safety of the country to loving their families. This film also tackles the negative perception that people might have about the armed forces, particularly about the doubts and fears the youth might have about joining the air force and the army. Heroes is an interesting film.

And what about The Man?
We are here to talk about Heroes, aren’t we? (smiles) I will talk about The Man later.

But what made you settle for Shilpa Shetty as the female lead for The Man?
She suited the role to a T.

The Man is your second film as a director. Considering that your directorial debut Dillagi (1999) did not do well, are you being cautious so as to not repeat the earlier mistakes?
Of course! That's awareness! Also, experience is the best teacher. So I obviously will not repeat the mistakes that I made earlier.

Does age catching up with you make you feel insecure?
I live in the present. I am not insecure about anything.


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.10.08 22:09. Заголовок: Tony пишет: Что-то ..

Tony пишет:

Что-то Саня не слишком праздничное интервью дал

Какое-то даже язвительно-саркастическое, можно сказать.. Если такие термины вообще к Сане применимы.. Жаль, физии его не видно.
Ну а чё блин припахались - опять про танцы и левые ноги.. Нет чтобы че-нить умное спросить.
И про Мена же русским (ну то есть индийским) языком сказал - позже.. Чего пристали? Лучше бы про Героев поподробнее порасспросили..
Эх, нас тама не было..

Поживем - увидим... и другим покажем. (c) *Akki
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.10.08 00:01. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Ну а ..

BobbyK пишет:
Ну а чё блин припахались - опять про танцы и левые ноги.. Нет чтобы че-нить умное спросить....
Эх, нас тама не было..

ты права . права на все сто.
вся индийская общественность уже знает, что Дхар подарил на 60-летие Хеме.
а что Саня получил на праздник не знает никто. вот и спросили бы, балбесы, как отметил, да что подарила любимая семья и братец меньший.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.10.08 00:05. Заголовок: Tony пишет: спросил..

Tony пишет:

спросили бы, балбесы, как отметил, да что подарила любимая семья и братец меньший.

эх-эх.. похоже нам никогда этого не узнать..
Ну или спросили бы хоть, скока лет ему стукнуло, а то ведь измучились все..

Поживем - увидим... и другим покажем. (c) *Akki
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.10.08 18:05. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Ну ил..

BobbyK пишет:

Ну или спросили бы хоть, скока лет ему стукнуло, а то ведь измучились все

Думается, журналисты либо пребывают в уверенности, что они в курсе (не помню в какой статье кто-то совершенно уверено заявил, мол Санни Деолу 51 год) либо им не ловко интересоваться - а че раньше не спрашивали?
Человек уже 25 лет в индустрии и занимает там отнюдь не последнее место, а никто ни разу не удосужился поинтересоваться его собственным днем рождения. Им все про левые ноги интересно
Надо же, никого (кроме поклонников ) не смущает такой разброд в датах Саниного рождения, что в инете встречается...

Не про Кондрата да Панкрата сложена МахабхарАта.
Не про Касьяна да Демьяна сложена РамаЯна.
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.10.08 12:40. Заголовок: Опаньки! Санька в ..

Опаньки! Санька в последней интервьюхе не даром такой недовольный был.
Это он опять на всю пишущую братию страаашно обиделся . теперь из-за сына Rocky.

Sunny's angry!

24 Oct 2008

Sunny Deol ka gussa over reports of his son’s ‘launch’!

Sunny Deol doesn’t interact with the media too often. Reason? To start with, he is very media-shy. Gotit! Then, he informs us, that what the media writes is ‘supposedly’ different from reality.

Didn’t get it! Thirdly he probably thinks he needs to only promote only his movies, and not the star Sunny Deol. Phew, don’t know what to say. But everyone still loves Sunny’s movies and his rare interviews (though nowadays the former is as scarce as the latter).

But here is a warning, dearies. The Deol is fairly upset with the media about reporting ‘untrue’ facts about his beta, Rocky. The rumour is that Sunny is making big plans to launch his son in his next home production. Sunny denies it and says he has no such ideas right now, and Rocky is not yet ready to face the camera. Okay, okay, paaji! Don’t be gussa with the media. We’ll hang in there and wait ... till the world is ready for handsome Rocky, right?


прилагающуюся фотку "сурового" Санни выкладываю в соответствующую темку

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.10.08 12:55. Заголовок: Настя пишет: Надо ..

Настя пишет:
Надо же, никого (кроме поклонников ) не смущает такой разброд в датах Саниного рождения, что в инете встречается...

а знаешь... некоторых поклонников это тоже не смущает .
жила я себе спокойно, особо не задумываясь над конкретной датой (главное, знаю ведь, что октябрьский он). А тут вдрух BobbyK со своими исследованиями Бобсового древа . ну я и прониклась. ничего себе, думаю, - настоящие раскопки. Истинный Деоловед.

все-таки по большому счету, на дату Санькиного Дня Рождения я особо не заморачиваюсь: хочет человек сохранить приват, пущай сохраняет.
Знаю, что он - Весы. Этого достаточно.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.10.08 13:05. Заголовок: Tony пишет: Знаю, ч..

Tony пишет:

Знаю, что он - Весы. Этого достаточно.

Да я вот на санькин год тоже не сильно заморачиваюсь, а вот бобсовый.. Признацца в свое время вогнал меня в состояние легкого помешательства - и почему, не знаю..

Тааак, а насчет Роки значицца опять журналисты поторопились? А мы уже вовсю ждем, между прочим.. Так шта готов - не готов, нас мало волнует, пущщай предъявит наследника.. Ну лет пять так и быть подождем, я вопчем-то раньше и не рассчитывала..

Поживем - увидим... и другим покажем. (c) *Akki
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.10.08 13:19. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Так ш..

BobbyK пишет:
Так шта готов - не готов, нас мало волнует, пущщай предъявит наследника.. Ну лет пять так и быть подождем...

агась. подождем. подождем. а потом подождем еще . полагаю, Бобсовы малыши скорее под свет кинокамер выйдут.

но ежели посмотреть с другой стороны, то должно же быть в мире нечто Вечное. вот таким Вечным и является ожидание Деоловских релизов и Санькиных сыновей. Так что... продолжаем медитировать .

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.10.08 18:14. Заголовок: Tony пишет: подожде..

Tony пишет:

подождем. подождем. а потом подождем еще

Прямо как мантра звучит и правда..
По поводу сыновей - деться некуда, но ему, папе, виднее, главное, желание и одобрение всех сторон имеется, значит, это дело времени.
На "прямо сейчас" и я как-то не рассчитывала. Уже начинаю понимать, что в отношении Деолов понятие "прямо сейчас" просто не существует
Помедитируем, ага...

Не про Кондрата да Панкрата сложена МахабхарАта.
Не про Касьяна да Демьяна сложена РамаЯна.
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.10.08 18:21. Заголовок: Tony пишет: все-так..

Tony пишет:

а знаешь... некоторых поклонников это тоже не смущает

Мне даже не сколько сам год интересен, а то внушительное разнообразие этих самых годов.
Интересно, откудова они взялись?....
Понятно дело, сперва информаторов-затейников было не много - а от них потом ошибки поползли по разным сайтам и страницам.
Потолковать бы по душам с этими первыми путаниками - не с потолка же они даты брали в конце концов

Tony пишет:

хочет человек сохранить приват, пущай сохраняет

Мамадорогая, по-моему, легче сказать относительно чего он НЕ сохраняет этот самый приват, чем наоборот

Не про Кондрата да Панкрата сложена МахабхарАта.
Не про Касьяна да Демьяна сложена РамаЯна.
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.10.08 19:10. Заголовок: Настя пишет: Поня..

Настя пишет:
Понятно дело, сперва информаторов-затейников было не много - а от них потом ошибки поползли по разным сайтам и страницам.

это из-за того, что Санькин возраст и семейное положение изначально было окутано ореолом тайны. имидж ему ваяли.
Должно быть, Дхарова задумка. пенджабская хитрость
отсюда все разночтения в нете.

Настя пишет:
по-моему, легче сказать относительно чего он НЕ сохраняет этот самый приват, чем наоборот

ну... он у нас все-таки не Штирлиц .

Саня был довольно искренен в своих интервью. просто с годами позиция "надел каску-занял оборону" стала прогрессировать. На то были свои причины.

он слишком доверчив, упрям, слишком эмоционален/темпераментен и явно не дипломат. а кинобизнес - штука жестокая. требует умения держать свои эмоции при себе.

Как кинозвезда Саня состоялся, но как Актер он был недостаточно востребован.
Сантоши правильно сказал:

    Jan 11, 2008

    ...Sunny is a very talented and sensitive actor, whom I successfully managed to showcase in Ghayal, Damini and Ghatak.

    But it’s unfortunate that nobody tapped his acting talents after that; they made him repeat the same thing without exploring or letting him go further.


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.10.08 19:11. Заголовок: пока что не встре..

пока что не встречала совместных интервью Санни-Салмаха. только вот такие отрывки:

Sunny side up

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The star talks about his ‘war films’ and why the last one touches a different chord in his heart

Sunny Deol says that though he has acted in films about soldiers before, the script of Heroes, his last film about war and soldiers, has touched him in a very different way.

“Earlier I have done films like Border which tell you the stories about war and soldiers. There are plenty of war scenes there where it is shown that how soldiers cope up with the adversities and life threatening situations in the war zone and even how they miss their family and home. But in
Heroes, we have tried a completely new way of telling the life story of a soldier. In the film, we speak about them through the viewpoint of their families who have lost their near ones in a war. The families, who are still proud of sending their children to the army, knowing fully well they might become martyrs in a war,” Sunny says.

Sunny is all praise for his co-star Salman Khan. “As you know, Salman is a very professional man and we have bonded very well on the sets of Heroes. That’s why we are sitting here together and giving interviews,” he says with a smile.

Sunny adds that he could relate to his character very well in Heroes and that
acting in a multi-starrer was never an issue for him.

“I only take up films when I relate to the character that I’m going to play. I could relate a lot to my character in the film. I had a very strong role and I loved doing it. I like intense strong characters to essay in films. The fact that the film is a multi-starrer was not a problem for me as all the roles were well etched out. I knew what I was doing and the film really touched me and that is why I said ok to it.”


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.02.09 01:14. Заголовок: Слуште, я с этими Де..

Director Rahul Rawail recalls how the adaptation of 'The Taming of the Shrew' worked wonders with the feisty Amrita Singh and the dashing Sunny Deol in the lead. A benchmark as far as young romances go, Betaab makes for a perfect watch even after 25 years!

Sunny's launch vehicle

Lime and green textured walls, minimal decor and plush sofas to sink in comfortably form the setting of Rahul Rawail's Juhu office. Over a steaming cup of chai, he rewinds 25 years ago to when he was only 29 and three films old (Gunehgaar, Love Story, Biwi O Biwi). He was at a strange crossroads in life as Love Story became a hit but owing to differences with Rajendra Kumar, the producer of the film, he was denied the credit. "I was pleasantly surprised when Dharamji sent for me after the Love Story mess-up," he harks back. Rawail was well acquainted with Dharmendra not only through his father, H S Rawail, the maker of classics like Laila Majnu and Mere Mehboob, but had also worked with him as Raj Kapoor's assistant during the making of Mera Naam Joker. "I met Dharamji and his brother Ajit ji at his Juhu bungalow when he asked me to captain Sunny Deol's launch vehicle. Then it was the biggest deal for any young director at that time," he recalls happily. That was in April, 1980.

Статья посвящена 25-й годовщине выхода Betaab, и кстати там еще много чего написано, вот по ссылочке - если пролистать странички

"Я не стекло - не разобьюсь, но бить меня не надо..." (c) *Э. Ростан. Сирано де Бержерак
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.02.09 14:38. Заголовок: Кстати, к спорам нас..

Кстати, к спорам насчет отношений Санни и сводных сестер, то в огромной книге про Хему есть аж 3 фотки Санни с Эшей и Аханой, плюс на одной фото еще и сын Санни с ними, все счастливы и довольны! Фото опубликованы с разрешения самого Санька! Если будет возможность, то выложу скоро для просмотра.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.02.09 15:28. Заголовок: Ух ты!! http://jpe.r..

Ух ты!! А вот это здорово, будем ждать!

Ну Саня всегда отличался лояльностью, у него и с Хемой отношения вполне даже теплые..

"Я не стекло - не разобьюсь, но бить меня не надо..." (c) *Э. Ростан. Сирано де Бержерак
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.03.09 19:43. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Стат..

BobbyK пишет:
Статья посвящена 25-й годовщине выхода Betaab, и кстати там еще много чего написано, вот по ссылочке - если пролистать странички

щас мы это интервью режиссера Санькиного дебюта все сюда перенесем.
ничего нового Rahul Rawail особо не сказал, а все равно приятно почитать.

Ranch romance

Feb 20, 2009

Director Rahul Rawail recalls how the adaptation of The Taming Of The Shrew worked wonders with the feisty Amrita Singh and the dashing Sunny Deol in the lead. A benchmark as far as young romances go, it makes for a perfect watch even after 25 years!

Sunny’s launch vehicle

Lime and green textured walls, minimal decor and plush sofas to sink in comfortably form the setting of Rahul Rawail’s Juhu office. Over a steaming cup of chai, he rewinds 25 years ago to when he was only 29 and three films old (Gunehgaar, Love Story, Biwi O Biwi). He was at a strange crossroads in life as Love Story became a hit but owing to differences with Rajendra Kumar, the producer of the film, he was denied the credit. “I was pleasantly surprised when Dharamji sent for me after the Love Story mess-up,” he harks back. Rawail was well acquainted with Dharmendra not only through his father, H S Rawail, the maker of classics like Laila Majnu and Mere Mehboob, but had also worked with him as Raj Kapoor’s assistant during the making of Mera Naam Joker. “I met Dharamji and his brother Ajit ji at his Juhu bungalow when he asked me to captain Sunny Deol’s launch vehicle. Then it was the biggest deal for any young director at that time,” he recalls happily. That was in April, 1980.

Taming of the shrew

When it came to finalising the script, Rawail suggested the theme of Shakespeare’s The Taming Of The Shrew, “I was fascinated by the play since childhood,” reasons Rawail. The initial draft of the script did not measure up to the expectations of either the director or the producer and that writer was fired. Thereafter Javed Akhtar came on board and this was his first independent project after the split of the famous Salim-Javed duo.” I narrated him just the idea and he wove the entire screenplay around it. He based the film in a stud farm in order to incorporate Sunny’s expertise as a horse-rider,” he adds. Akhtar incorporated the taming of the wild horse sequence as a metaphor for the taming of the shrew. It was surprising how the two headstrong men - Akhtar and Rawal - hit it off together. “We had a very amiable working relationship, Javedsaab never imposed himself on me and I never dictated terms to him,” reasons Rawail, further adding,”The rich girl - poor boy romance worked well with the farm- fresh scenes and Sunny and Dingy’s (Amrita Singh) youthful gusto.”

Shy Sunny - feisty Dingy

Rawail’s first impression of young Sunny is that “he was strikingly good-looking and well-mannered.” What endeared the director to the debutant hero was his “enthusiasm about work”. Very much like Kumar Gaurav, Sunny Deol was a star-son who had the “urge for putting in hard work”. Not surprising that Rawail and Sunny paired up in as many as seven films together viz. Betaab, Arjun, Dacait, Samundar, Yodha, Arjun Pandit and Jo Bole So Nihaal. “We share a great rapport,” admits Rawail.
While looking for a “new girl” Rahul’s friend Shashi Pancholi, friend and general manager of Maurya Hotel, recommended Rukhsana Sultana’s daughter Amrita Singh, fondly known as Dingy, “I don’t think she was even interested in films then but she fitted in so well with the part of Roma, the rich, spoilt brat. Dingy was so spontaneous and vivacious, she was just perfectly cast,” Rawail recalls. While on the one hand, Sunny was an introvert who listened to his director attentively, feisty Dingy on the other hand would have big “fights” and arguments with him. “She was always the rebel. Dingy’s not a hypocrite, she called a spade a spade. She spoke straight to your face, there was no back-biting for her. I liked her forthrightness,” remarks Rawail. Together, Sunny and Amrita made a sizzling on-screen pair.
Shammi Kapoor who played Amrita’s rich dad, was the oblivious choice for the role,” There is something aristocratic about every Kapoor. I had fun shooting with Shammi uncle,” he says.

No budget, no deadline

Dharmendra was a dream producer for young Rawail as he gave him a free hand with the film, “No limits were set - neither a budget nor any deadline. We enjoyed total creative freedom,” he relates. There was no interference whatsoever from Dharmendra or Rukhsana, “In fact the only time Dharamji visited the sets was in Kashmir. He stayed there only for a day, saying he was extremely bored just watching the shoot,” guffaws Rawail. He confesses that Rukhsana was one of the nicest persons he met, “She was wonderfully clean-hearted,” he reminisces fondly.
Betaab was shot over long outdoor schedules. Starting off with over 50 days in Pahalgam, Kashmir which served as Sunny’s ranch, and 30 days in Bangalore where the action scenes were captured. “Dingy’s Tikamgarh farm -house was initially shot in Delhi and then in Bangalore. Dingy’s famous ghat-climbing scene was canned at Mahabaleshwar,” informs the director. Only two sets - that of the interior of Roma’s house and one for the Badal yun garajta hai song were put up in Mumbai.

English masters for equestrian stunts

Capitalising on Sunny’s expertise as a horse rider, the film had some scintillating equestrian stunts executed by renowned action masters from the West. Jim Allen, who had earlier directed stunts in Sholay, also executed the major action sequences in Betaab as well. Tinny Powell and Tony Smart, both English equestrian specialists, directed the breathtaking sequences in the climax.
“Although we had a body-double ready for Sunny, he insisted on performing the death-defying action of sliding under the horse-carriage to grab at the villain, Prem Chopra, who was riding on top. I thundered, ‘Out of the question’, but Sunny had his way! The way the climax is shot, you can clearly see Sunny in action - it’s a hair-raising sequence.” He recalls with a shudder, “It was the most anxious moment of the film.”

Pancham’s score, Bakshi’s genius

The film had meaningful songs, composed by R D Burman, rendered by Lata Mangeshkar and Shabbir Kumar. All the five songs – Badal yun garajta hai, Jab hum jawaan honge, Parbaton se aaj main, Teri tasveer mil gayee and Apne dil se badi dushmuni ki were memorable hits. “How many antaras do you need?” enquired veteran lyricist Anand Bakshi and Rawail replied, “Five.” The next day Bakshi handed over 40 antaras and said,” Keep the ones you like.” That was for the famous song, Jab hum jawaan honge...
Baadal yun garajta hai ... was the first song to be shot for the film, “After watching the rushes, all of us felt that it that could have been done better and so we re-shot it. It worked better in the new and improved avatar,” he declares gladly. The film was wrapped up in two years since taking gaps between schedules was a normal thing then.

Riots for tickets

Sunny’s launch film had already generated a strong buzz in the film industry since after every schedule, rushes had to be shown in preview theatres,”Word got around and Betaab had a positive impact right from the release,” he recalls with a smile. Surprisingly, there was no special premiere organised for the big launch, “Dharamji didn’t want a big premiere but we organised a show at Gaiety and Galaxy theatres for the entire industry,” he narrates.
Rahul Rawail, Javed Akhtar and Sunny Deol suffered pre-release jitters since it was Sunny’s first film, Akhtar’s first independent venture and Rawail’s big film after the Love Story fiasco, “I started growing a beard then and vowed to cut it off only after the film was declared a hit,” he laughs. On the opening day of the film, he was surprised to be accosted by a film distributor from Punjab,” Two people are dead, the film is such a big hit that there was a riot for tickets and there was a police firing,” he said laughing heartily. Rawail was stunned at his macabre pleasure, “If you noticed, Javedsaab has cleverly used that incident in Luck By Chance,” he points out.
“Dharamji watched the film every day for the first two weeks at Gaiety theatre in Bandra, Mumbai,” he informs. The film was an unprecedented hit, it launched Sunny as a huge star and Rawail was considered the new whizkid on the block. “It was a great high! I was surprised by people’s changed attitude towards me. ‘We knew that you had it in you,’ they said,” he smiles wickedly.
Betaab remains a benchmark as far as young romances go. It makes for a perfect Valentine watch even after 25 years!


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.03.09 19:44. Заголовок: и еще статья на ..

и еще статья на эту же тему. ностальгическая.
бойцы поминают минувшие дни...

Love Bites

...a look back in affection at Betaab

August, 1983.

"Betaab" is released.

Overnight, newcomers Sunny Deol and Amrita Singh make mega-waves. in showbiz. Rahul Rawail reaffirms his credentials as a hotshot director.

Javed Akhtar's career as a solo script writer, after his split with Salim Khan, takes off.

Eighteen years later, the principal players have moved on to many more films. But Betaab remains a touchstone in their lives. Flashback to the 1980s. Love Story(1981) starring Kumar Gaurav is a major hit. Rocky(also '81)starring Sanjay Dutt, also makes an impact. Clearly, love is in the air. And star sons are making whoopee.

Dharmendra plans to launch his elder son Sunny Deol who's studying acting in London. Sitting in his living room today, Sunny Deol takes a trip down movielane. "One day, dad called me in London and told me that he was ready to launch me. I was told to take the next flight home."

Javed Akhtar is pencilled for the script. And R.D. Burman for the music score. Fight composers responsible for the action in Sholay are flown in from the U.K.

"Dad had spoken to Ramesh Talwar to direct the movie. The choice was between him and Rahul Rawail. I don't know what happened exactly but Rahul was finally chosen," rewinds Sunny. Rahul Rawail remembers Dharmendra calling him to his residence. "I told him that we should make a movie based on Taming Of The Shrew. But Betaab's script was Javed's brainchild completely."

The search for a new heroine to star opposite Sunny Deol began. One of Rawail's friends who was into hoteliering knew Rukhsana Sultan and her daughter. "When I met Dingy she seemed pretty okay for the role." Nursing her one-month baby Ibrahim, Amrita chortles on being reminded of those betaab days. She was studying at Modern school in Delhi. Her mother was into politics. No one in the family had any clue about the movies. "I'd met Jaya Bachchan," Amrita smiles. "I guess she must have told Dharamji about me. Anyway, Dharamji came to see me and wanted to cast me. The problem was that my mother wasn't keen that I get into films." She persuaded her mother to give her one chance. She rewinds, "It was too good an opportunity to miss. I promised my mother that I would come back to Delhi after the movie and continue with my studies. Of course, in my heart I knew it was goodbye to Delhi. I'd be mad to return. I told myself if the movie flopped, I'd become a junior artiste or whatever but I would never go back."

The screen test remains a Kodak moment for both Sunny and Amrita. Amrita guffaws, "They told me they just wanted to shoot certain angles of mine. Frankly, I had no clue what they were upto. I had to put on full make-up. It was a first for me. And I had to mouth Amitabh Bachchan's dialogue from Trishul. It went something like Maa main tere khoon ka badla loonga.
I remember arguing that I couldn't say a man's dialogue."

The next day Amrita and her mother went to see the screen-test. "When she saw me on screen, mum was sure that I wouldn't be chosen. Even I thought I would be rejected. I was that bad. But strangely Dharamji and Rahul were ecstatic. If I were the casting director I would have never chosen myself."

Sunny remembers feeling nervous during the screen-test. His entire family was watching. He smiles, "I couldn't even say my dialogue without stammering. My grandfather who was watching me perform was extremely upset with me. He gave me quite a lecture in Punjabi saying that I would never become an actor."

Vis-a-vis the story sessions with Javed Akhtar at Holiday Inn, Amrita states, "I remember, I was mesmerised with the language Javed Akhtar used while narrating the story. He wove such a fantastic fairy tale. That was my introduction to entertaining cinema. I knew then that I'd found my calling."

On the mahurat day at Mehboob studio, the ambience was crackling with excitement. Says Sunny, "We had a puja at home that morning. There was a strange expectation in the air. All the big guys of the industry were at the function. My dad has a lot of goodwill. Curiously, I didn't feel nervous. I was given a line of dialogue which I delivered easily. Today I would be nervous. But back then, I thought I knew it all."

Amrita remembers Dilip Kumar coming up to her at the mahurat and telling her not to let the camera chew her, but to chew up the camera instead. Dingy giggles, "I thought to myself, the camera should be bubble-gum then. I didn't understand what he meant."

Rahul Rawail was quite confident of delivering the goods. "Yet, I was nervous," he rewinds. "I wanted to live upto the faith Dharmendra had reposed in me." Shooting started in right earnest with the song Baadal kyon garajta hai. Halfway through the song, cinematographer, Manmohan Singh realised that the camera had gone out of sync. And the song had to be reshot. Shaking his head, Sunny says, "I couldn't understand what out of sync meant. But I used to go around thinking I knew everything about movie-making. I remember I used to be super-charged about everything."

The scene then shifted to Kashmir, Pahalgam to be precise. Sunny house was set up there. A bridge was built across the river. The 40-45 day schedule was a picnic for all. "It was one of the best outdoors, I've ever enjoyed," says the director. "Everything was just perfect. The weather, the locations just seemed so right." "Dad had come to the set initially," Sunny recalls. "Before leaving, he had given strict instructions that I shouldn't be allowed to do any risky action scenes. But then I saw the fight composers ill-treating the horse.

They couldn't sit on it. I told them I would try. My duplicate challenged me to do it. I calmly took the reins in my hand and sat on the horse. It was so easy. That's when I started doing my own stunts. I think I did them better than the duplicates. Of course, my dad wasn't told about the stunts. He got to know after the movie was released."

Another incident that Sunny and Amrita remember is the time when they shot in the swift currents of the river. The current was so strong that they spent nearly 30-40 days to get one shot right. Notes Sunny, "It was very dangerous. There were ropes along the river bank. The rapids were so strong that if we'd slipped we'd have been swept away with the current. I remember Amrita had a tough time. She nearly got drowned." Amrita can't forget her fall into the ice-cold water. "Once I even passed out. Then I had an asthma attack. I was given brandy to combat the cold. I remember freezing. It was terrible. And guess what? The scene was chopped at the editing table."

Sunny goes nostalgic thinking about Kashmir: "It was so idyllic. The set really felt as if it was my home. I returned to Kashmir while shooting for Manzil Manzil. I visited Pahalgam just to refresh my memories. I sat at the location for hours thinking about the good times we had during Betaab. Everytime I went to Kashmir I'd visit the location."

Rahul Rawail reportedly gave Amrita a tough time on the sets. Rawail shrugs, "That's not true. I was only interested to make Amrita perform to the best of her ability. There was no question of targeting anyone."

Amrita chortles, "Yes, he made me cry a lot. He'd find faults with me. Today, of course when I look back I know Rahul was just being a stickler for detail. But I was only 16-17 then. I couldn't understand why I was being singled out. Probably I gave him the wrong vibes that I wasn't concentrating. He was always on short fuse. Once I had to got to Delhi to meet mom. I was dubbing for the film. And that tyrant made me stay awake till four in the morning. He insisted that I finish my dubbing. I screamed and howled but it had no effect on him."

She continues, "Even Sunny used to bully me in his own quiet way. The constant refrain was Amrita, `Stop eating!' I was on a constant diet and my waist was constantly fluctuating. Frankly, I couldn't have asked for a better debut. It was one of the finest love stories ever made."

If Rahul Rawail was tough on Amrita, Dharmendra gave Sunny a virtual nightmare while dubbing. He says, "As it is, I used to be petrified of dad. He didn't like my dubbing. So he made it a point to be present during my dubbing. It soon turned into a nightmare for me. He'd make me dub till I got it right. He was never satisfied. I used to cry like a child, I felt like a student who could never get his arithmetic problems right. But all that has helped me so much. Back then I used to hate it."

The film was completed without any hiccups. Rahul Rawail gives all the credit for that to Dharmendra: "He was a dream producer. I never had to worry about a thing."

Amrita agrees, "I never ever felt that I was a newcomer or that my father isn't Dharmendra. Whatever Sunny got, I got too. I had the best of make-up and costumes. Do you know that Parmeshwar Godrej did my clothes for Betaab."

Then came the D-day. There was considerable debate on the right time to release the movie. Dharmendra didn't want to release it during school and college exams. Neither did he want to release it in the monsoon. After much consultation, August was deemed the right month. Sunny chuckles, "Believe it or not, the day the movie was released, Bombay was flooded with rains." The premiere was held at the Gaiety cinema in Mumbai. And the party was at the Sea Rock hotel. Amrita reminisces, "All those who saw the film said it was brilliant.

Bigwigs like Prakash Mehra and Raj Khosla told me that I would be in their next film. H.S. Rawail even gave me a signing amount. I was on cloud nine. One day I was nothing and the next I was being besieged by the who's who of show business. When my mother saw the film, she was very proud. I guess that's when she started taking me seriously."

Sunny Deol was faraway in Russia shooting for Sohni Mahiwal when Betaab was declared a hit. He didn't want to go to Russia without knowing the b-o fate of his first film but director Umesh Mehra wouldn't agree. "That outdoor was really awful. The food was bad," Sunny grimaces. "I had temperature. Then I cut my thumb and fingers. The director still wanted me to shoot. That really put me off. He was being aggressive and I didn't like it. I didn't know what was happening back in India. Russia was still behind an iron curtain then."

When he returned to Bombay three weeks later, Sunny Deol had become scalding hot property. He suddenly found himself on every producer's wish-list. "It all seems hazy today," says Sunny. "But even then, I wasn't aware of what was happening to me. I was so detached. People would come upto me and say that you are a perfect replacement for Amitabh Bachchan and I'd laugh. I'd done just one film and the comparisons had begun." The chemistry between the lead pair was simply electric. Rewmind him about that and his eyes twinkle. "I was so shy. And Dingy was so bright and bubbly. She would talk non-stop. She was just like her character in the film. Somehow we bonded. Probably because we were the two odd people out. We were the only ones who had no clue about what was happening around us. We became very good friends."

Amrita on her part found Sunny too shy and uncommunicative. "I first met him at his house. I'd gone with my mother. I used to freak out on chocolates. I had a bagful of them. I offered him a bar just to break the ice. But he just turned around and said that he didn't eat chocolate. I was so surprised. How could anyone not like chocolate. We were diametrically opposite. I guess that chemistry worked on screen."

"Everything about Betaab was just right," says Rahul Rawail. "The script, the dialogue, the lyrics, the music. Pancham did such a good job. It was pure magic. It was almost as if everything was pre-ordained."
Sigh, love was certainly in the air those days.


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Tony Спасибочки!
Вопчем правильно, пусть тут будет, и читать проще, и пролистать приятно..

"Я не стекло - не разобьюсь, но бить меня не надо..." (c) *Э. Ростан. Сирано де Бержерак
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для тех, кто игнорирует тему Дхарика, совместное интервью Деолов размещается тут. душевное интервью .

A father has to be strict: Sunny

21 Jun 2009

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остальные пряники в темке Дхара смотреть здесь

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.06.09 20:37. Заголовок: Ааааа... http://jpe...

Ааааа... у меня уже культурный шок .
может, Саня обезболивающих переел, что его тааак потянуло поговорить...

Sunny Deol drives crazy

21 Jun, 2009

License to drive

I think the best way to travel is to have the terra firma beneath you and complete control in your own hands. That's why I have always driven to my shoots, and always drive while holidaying. In fact, I learnt driving when I was 12 years old, first sitting on my driver's lap, and then, when my legs reached the clutch and accelerator, with him by my side. Luckily, dad was so busy doing three shifts those days that he didn't notice.

There's a stark difference between driving in India and driving abroad. In India, there are no laws, or rather, no real enforcement. So when you go to Europe or the US, you feel like you're a pupil again, back in school. And since I have erred everywhere, I know the penalties everywhere. In the UK, they give you points against your license for speeding or overtaking wrongly. After a certain number of points add up, your license is suspended for a while. I got so many points that I came close to losing my license! Luckily my trip ended after that, so now I have a clean slate for the next trip.

In Canada I got into real trouble – for speeding, and then for not having my passport or any other ID on me, just after 9/11. I guess they didn't haul me in only because I was filming there, and they knew about this India film unit which was shooting along the highway.

In New Zealand, I have actually been chased along the highway by the police for miles on end, and then booked for speeding. No questions asked.

In the US, once I got into a scary situation with a cop. (Only, I didn't know he was a cop because he wasn't in uniform.) I was driving through a small town, and I changed lanes at a traffic signal. Now, this man overtook me from the wrong side to tell me that I wasn't allowed to change lanes. He then passed on. But I chased him, overtook him, parked in front of him and got down to fight. That's when he flashed his cop's ID card at me. I argued that he had provoked me. Anyway, he couldn't book me because he wasn't in uniform, or on duty.

Dip Thoughts

But driving isn't just about the need for speed. What I enjoy about driving is the number of things you get to see and experience along the way. The parks, the walks, the rivulets... I keep getting off the car to enjoy it all. In fact, most often, while driving around Europe, I take the country lanes rather than the highways.

And yes, when I stop by a cold stream, I simply have to get down and take a dip in it. I do it in India all the time. I've developed the habit since the time I was shooting for Betaab . Back then, I used to splash about in the rapids of Kashmir. Now I take quick dips in all streams, I remember doing it in Switzerland too.


My favourite driving route is the one from Manali to Rohtang Pass . It's the most beautiful route I've ever driven on. The scenery, the climate, the altitude, all add up to its beauty.

And then, there's the Fauji Da Dhaba en route, which makes the best paranthas I've ever had. They will give you two paranthas with half a pound of butter in between, and you have it and digest it perfectly because you can't possibly have indigestion in that weather. In Mumbai, even a fourth of that amount can have you laid up.

I remember the time when I went through a hilarious incident (on hindsight, of course. At that time, it seemed deadly) on that route once. I was traveling with my action director and a couple of friends from Rohtang to Manali. It was winter, and snowing. Now, the route here is narrow and zig-zag, with a steep fall. I was driving down, when suddenly the car began skidding. It skidded towards the edge. That's when I suddenly saw my action director open the door to jump out! I guess once an action director, always an action director. Now, I couldn't jump because the fall was on my side. At the last minute, I switched off the engine, and as soon as the vibration stopped, the car plonked into the snow and was embedded - right on the edge. We were saved, and we never stopped teasing the action director who wanted to jump out in true filmi style.

Wai Fly, When I Can Drive?

I guess my love for driving comes from my dad. When we were kids, dad used to drive us all from Mumbai to Kashipur, in a caravan. We used to be on the road for six to seven days, enjoying the drive. We've driven from Mumbai to Nainital too. So I think this need to drive, to enjoy nature along the way, to feel free, comes from my childhood. I hate flights. So as much as possible, I drive to my shoots. Recently, for instance, I needed to go to Wai for a shoot. I drove there. I left Mumbai at 3 am, and reached Wai by 6 am. In Mumbai too, I drive myself as much as possible. It's only when I'm stressed that I don't drive for I'm scared I may vent my anger on the traffic... My car has a lot of dents, anyway. I never get them repaired because it doesn't really matter. As long as the engine and the suspension of a car are fine, how do dents matter?

Free Be

Driving abroad is all about freedom too. In small town Europe, where no one knows you, where no one is trying to be too nice to you, where you can stop at any inn you want, it feels great. When I set off, I carry my antenna with me because I want high-speed network, I usually have a friend with me, and, of course, I take along my wanderlust. It's the good life.


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.07.09 21:59. Заголовок: Cаня продолжает р..

Cаня продолжает разговаривать. какая прелешть... те же там же.

- вы застенчивый?
- да. я застенчивый. и всегда таким был.
Саня как чесТный полковник.

а разговор об Абхане быренько свел на свои старые хиты. хитромудрый .

Bollywood films stink right now: Sunny Deol

9 Jul 2009

Away from jingoistic screenplays, Sunny Deol is a nice, soft-spoken guy, given to smiling shyly.

Sitting in his fifth floor penthouse office, he is the picture of calm even as he is uncharacteristically critical of himself, the films being made and the industry as a whole

Are you reclusive or just shy?

Basically, I’m shy and have always been like this. People usually take my shyness as having a big ego and being snobbish but the truth is that when I don’t know how to deal with certain situations, I’d rather just move away from them.

Even when it comes to promoting films, I can’t rush around like the younger lot of stars. They want to do everything at the same time. But the fact is that instead of concentrating on their talent they waste their time on frivolous things, like how they are looking and PR stuff.

What is your idea of a holiday?

A place where you just are free, where time is not the issue. My kind of holiday is when I can unwind without knowing that I am unwinding.

So how many holidays do you take?

(laughs) I don’t get many but whenever I get some time, I switch off. I feel more relaxed when I am out of Mumbai especially in places where there aren’t many people around.

What’s keeping you busy here?

I am concentrating on learning from my mistakes. Basically everything that I am doing right now, be it writing, production work or acting, I am trying to work on instinct and not give in to a technical view of it. The most difficult thing in the industry right now is getting finance to get things moving and that’s what I am doing. Vijayta films (the Deol’s production concern) always did what it wanted to without giving in to market dictates and that’s what I want to achieve again.

What are these mistakes you are learning from?

It’s more a shortcoming actually. I trust everybody and if someone says something about me, I don’t retaliate. Sometimes this affects me financially too. Now I am learning to address all this legally and not make it into a tamasha, which is something I abhor. Most of the time, I know exactly what’s happening but because I prefer to not say anything the perpetrator thinks I am a foolish man who doesn’t know what’s happening. Anyway, these are my shortcomings and I have to overcome them. (shrugs)

Do you think you could ever do father’s roles?

(laughs) I am not so old. And anyway if there is a 10-12 yr old child, I am a father. But I certainly don’t see myself playing a father like they used to in films earlier. Actually you shouldn’t be asking me this question (laughs), I think I am doing well, people still like me the way I am, and they still want to see me that way.

Do you like the sort of cinema being made currently?

Cinema, right now, stinks. I am not being extra critical about it. I don’t mean every film is bad. But in general it is awful. Years ago, my dad and other actors used to do many films at a time, and they used to do three to four shifts a day. The directors would do two to three films at a time and the movies took three to four years to complete and release. But they used to be much better than the films made now where we do one film at a time and spend so much time and energy on them because we are spending it on idiots. We don’t have directors who can control the actors and we don’t have actors who trust the script and don’t have producers who make a script, they only make proposals. It is sad, really sad. Then we say we are progressing. I don’t see any progress.

But there is something called the new age cinema ...

Every few years we have a new age cinema. To me, there is nothing new in it. It is basically about how the new generation looks at it. All the elements are the same, it is still about romance, hatred and everything else that has always been there. All that is new is the technology. I remember when I joined the industry my dad wanted me to learn Urdu (it was vey difficult). Now I see that the younger generation doesn’t even know Hindi. It’s all about Hinglish. I wonder what the language will be after five years.

You are directing a film called The Man. Is the ‘man’ in it like ‘man’ in say Batman, Superman, Spiderman?

Currently it’s just a working title. It will be a nice film, can’t talk about it much right now because it is difficult to explain the genre of the film. I promise, it will be a nice film, it will be a commercial film. To me, commercial is you see a movie, get intoxicated and come out with a hangover. And no, it’s not a superhero movie.

How do you manage to keep your children away from exposure in the press?

In the same way as my dad kept us away. Generations come and go but values don’t change. Fortunately, it’s been the same for us. I have two sons, Karan (18) who is called Rocky at home and Rajveer (15).

Have they ever expressed a desire to join films?

I am sure they will actually.

Do they look like you?

They will obviously have some resemblance.

What do you think of the way Abhay, your cousin, has been conducting his career? It has been totally different from a normal mainstream actor.

He is the kind of boy who does what he likes to do and sticks to that. Somehow, I can relate to that. I did what I wanted to do. Arjun, Betaab, Yateem, Dacait were all movies which most of the actors would not want to do. I would always advise all actors to do what they actually want to do and what they believe in. They should love acting and cinema. It should not be about fashion parades, and six pack abs. Not that you shouldn’t have six pack abs, but it’s not the only thing.

If Gadar released today, would it be an equally big hit?

Even now when it runs on television or anywhere, people sit down and watch it. So I am sure it would have done well now as well too. The emotion in the film will always connect. It was basically a film about family, togetherness. It was a film about humanity. People could not digest its success because Anil Sharma is not considered that great a director by some media and industry people. Though I would say, he is one of the great directors of the times. That was one reason why the movie didn’t get that standing which it deserved. But the public gave it what it deserved. I don’t think any film can do that kind of business. People just wanted to see it over and over again. It just touched so many chords.


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.02.10 16:49. Заголовок: I don't know if ..

I don't know if it's the right topic but this is the latest news about Sunny :

Wednesday, February 03, 2010 (New Delhi)

His father Dharmendra often got compared to a Greek god and the string of action hits he delivered is unmatched till date but actor Sunny Deol feels that in today's scenario his family is a misfit in Bollywood.

The actor, who is known for his larger-than-life performances on screen with action hits like Ghayal, Damini, and Ziddi, is a reclusive in real life and is famous for not attending award ceremonies.

"Our family has been in the industry because people liked our work. We never went for propaganda to promote our films, In fact today is a scenario that we are a misfit in the industry right now. But nobody changes and we are not going to change to that extent," Sunny told PTI.

Sunny, 53, feels that action genre has gone under the knife for all the wrong reasons.

"Action films were not just about action, they were emotional outlets like Hollywood have this films which are larger than life, you just went to see them for the feel good effect. Here directors don't understand that," he said.

"I always did films without thinking if I am ahead of time or not. I still feel that films which were made years back were better than the ones made today," he added.

The actor, who was in the capital to inaugurate Club Fitline's third Health Club admits that "he find most actors to be fit now a days. But the only person I am in awe of is my dad."

The two-time National award winner has not delivered any major hit in the recent times.

"I had a bad phase from 2003 onwards but now I am feeling good and you will be seeing me in a couple of movies. I am not looking at any particular kind of role, I am just looking for a good script to work on," Sunny said.

He is also set to recreate the magic of Apne, the first Bollywood film to feature real life father and sons together which starred him, Dharmendra and brother Bobby Deol.

"Yamla Pagal Deewana will see our family bonding again after Apne but in a more hilarious way and not dealing with serious and emotional issues," Sunny said.

After making his directorial debut with Dillagi in 1999, the actor's next project behind the camera is his home production The Man, an action flick which has been put on the backburner.

It was reported that the lead heroine Shilpa Shetty is too busy with with her marriage and IPL commitments to give dates for the movie.

"We are reworking on the dates and I would not like to comment on it before the filming gets over," Sunny said.

The actor will next be seen in Right Ya Wrong by Subhash Ghai's Mukta Arts which will release in March and promises that he will bring back his action streak once again.

"Pictures are in the making where you will see me again as the action star, but they are in a very initial stage and I would not like to talk about them at the moment," he said.

(Source :,

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.02.10 11:00. Заголовок: Deolia пишет: news ..

Deolia пишет:

news about Sunny

Thanks a lot!

I still feel that films which were made years back were better than the ones made today

You are right, Sunny!

I am feeling good and you will be seeing me in a couple of movies

We are waiting, Sunny, we are waiting....

Не про Кондрата да Панкрата сложена МахабхарАта.
Не про Касьяна да Демьяна сложена РамаЯна.
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.02.10 11:39. Заголовок: Yes, Sunny is right...

Yes, Sunny is right. His old action movies were better !
Movies like Ghatak, Ghayal, Ziddi, Indian, Dacait were the best ones for me !!
Damini was also a very good movie.

I'm looking forward to "Right Yaaa Wrong" and "The Man". I hope they will be better than "Fox" which was a little disappointing (according to me).

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.02.10 12:19. Заголовок: Deolia пишет: "..

Deolia пишет:

"Fox" which was a little disappointing (according to me).

In that movie Arjun was the great. Sunny... as usual.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.02.10 09:55. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Sunny..

BobbyK пишет:

Sunny... as usual.

Конечно южуал. Он у нас в каждом втором фильме отрицательных персонажей играет. Все как обычно

Не про Кондрата да Панкрата сложена МахабхарАта.
Не про Касьяна да Демьяна сложена РамаЯна.
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.02.10 12:03. Заголовок: Настя пишет: Он у н..

Настя пишет:

Он у нас в каждом втором фильме отрицательных персонажей играет. Все как обычно

Ну да, в этом ты проава, сорри. Но мне в нем как-то чертовщинки не хватило.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.10 12:05. Заголовок: MONEY MATTERS MORE T..

Mumbai | Feb 14, 2010

Actor Sunny Deol says even though he and director Rajkumar Santoshi have made critically acclaimed films, including the National Award winning 'Ghayal' together, investors feel the duo is not "commercially viable".

"Film industry is now market-driven. You need to be seen, talked about rather than be known by the movies you make," Sunny told PTI.

Speaking about directors Rahul Rawail and Santoshi, with whom he worked in movies like 'Arjun' and 'Dacait', the actor said the two have done good work with him.

"Rahul is not doing any work now. Raj and I are planning but don't know when will it happen. We may or may not work together. Investors feel Raj and I are not commercially viable that is why projects are not coming in," the actor said.

Sunny, who debuted with 'Betaab' in 1983, said his career had taken a backseat in the last few years because of his illness as he suffered from a severe backache.

"I was out of the country for nearly six months every year (in the last few years). I realise that over the period a lot of things have changed and there is so much that I have not done," the 53-year-old actor said.

Sunny said for him and his family, movies are their only PR (public relations). "Now actors have to be seen and written about. We are unable to do that and never will," he added.

Sunny said he was not happy with the present day movies. "Everything is for money and creativity has taken a backseat. Marketing has taken precedence over the content. Old movies were ahead of their times. Earlier producers had passion for movies, but now a days its only about money," he said.

The actor is also disappointed that entertainment has become costly. "When ticket prices were less, there was a lot of turnover. Ticket prices have gone up and the number of audiences has reduced. Multiplexes have taken away the charm of the silver screen," he added.

Sunny, who turned director with 'Dillagi' in 1999, is raring to go and catch up with the lost time in Bollywood.

"Our company Vijeta Films is starting our new film, 'Yamla, Pagla, Deewana' starring my father (Dharmendra), (brother) Bobby and me. It is going on floors next month. The film is directed by Sameer Karnik. It is out and out a comedy film," the actor, who is growing a beard to be seen in the role of a Sikh in the film, said.

Sunny is also doing a T-series film with Madhavan and Kangana Ranaut, being directed by Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru. "It is an interesting love story. I am also doing an action film for Vijeta Films with Neeraj Pathak," he said.

The actor said his plans to rejuvenate the Vijeta banner which is going slow because of the current economic downturn.

"Big companies are keeping quiet. Investors are not coming out," he said.

Neeraj Pathak's 'Right Ya Wrong' starring Sunny will release next month.

(Source :

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.03.10 15:29. Заголовок: Слуште, у меня сейча..

Слуште, у меня сейчаснет сил это даже прочитать.. Если кто-то прочитает, расскажите в двух словах плз, в чем тама суть конфликта?

Sunny Deol V/s Subhash Ghai: The two biggies engage in war of words

By Subhash K. Jha, March 17, 2010 - 12:30 IST

Sunny Deol is very upset with the way Subhash Ghai and his production house Mukta Arts have marketed Right Yaaa Wrong.

Says Sunny, "It was always a good film. Mukta Arts has not been fair to it. They've publicized it like a small producer would have. For a large production house they really didn't seem to know what to do with the film. It was all talk talk talk... There were so many meetings and so many plans. But nothing happened. I'm fed up of all this empty talk. Now I only want to work on projects with a clear plan of action."

Sunny feels Ghai was not interested in the film. "He didn't believe in Right Yaaa Wrong. And he was surrounded by advisers who were constantly trying to bisect and dissect the film. Filmmaking may be a team effort. But you can't have a team of people always providing inputs and advice. That only causes chaos and confusion. The film has to finally go by one man's vision. And that man is the director."

Apparently, Ghai didn't allow the director Neerraj Pathak to do his work. "At the end of the day it's his vision that determines the end-product. You've to let the director do his job. Fortunately or unfortunately, I'm not the kind of person who interferes beyond a point. I can't sit and talk talk talk. I'm a man of action."

Sunny accuses Ghai of releasing the film at the wrong time. "They kept saying they'd release the film at the right time. Finally they released it on the day the IPL matches started. How is that the right date? The truth is, they had lost interest in the film. But when they held trials people liked the film. Suddenly they decided to release it with haphazard publicity at a time when I'm shooting in Punjab. They were earlier supposed to release in December, then January...what was I supposed to do? Give up shooting and run around doing the publicity (for Right Yaaa Wrong) when they wanted me to? All big talk. The world is filled with big talkers."

Sighs Sunny, "It's a changed industry. Nothing works the way it used to. A few films click, and that's it. I'm not interested in any kind of politics. And the directors ...we need good directors. The directors we (the Deols) have given a break to have run away after working with us. Everyone is into their own kind of cinema, not necessarily sensible cinema."

Is Sunny talking about Raj Kumar Santoshi? "He was supposed to do a project with me again. I guess it wasn't meant to be. He will do films only where the economics are to his advantage. He doesn't have the b**ls to make the cinema he believes in unless the money is right. Who's doing the work they believe in? Imtiaz Ali made Socha Na Tha with our cousin Abhay Deol. Now that film is being remade over and over again in different packages. Anyway, if I was once bitten and twice shy I'd be called an emotional man. But if I was twice bitten and thrice shy then I'd be called a foolish man. Santoshi or anyone else makes films wherever there's money. What happened to creativity? I wonder! Filmmakers follow Friday trends."

Sunny's second film as director The Man has been delayed for some time. Explains Sunny, "There're many reasons for it. It's a big-budget film. We're trying to find buyers for it. The film is 50 percent complete."

Sunny is happy with the way their family film Yamla Pagla Deewana is shaping up. "It's a great story. And the film will rock. My dad, my brother and I are shooting in Punjab. They treat us like family here. As for my dad, nobody can reach the place where he is." Sunny is very proud of his cousin Abhay Deol. "He has the guts to do the kind of cinema he believes. Just like all the other Deols."

On the other hand, Subhash Ghai reacts to Sunny's comments, "Mukta Arts is the worldright controllers and distributors of Right Yaaa Wrong. We weren't able to sell the film anywhere. There were no buyers. The set-up was not saleable. Our job was to give money for the film's making and therefore we were the most insecure people in the project. Sunny saab's reactions have to do with the way the film has been received .Why didn't he say all these things before release? I had gone to Sunny's home at least six times. We wanted to release it initially on November 30. But the stars, and I'm talking not just about Sunny but Irrfan, Konkona and Esha Koppikhar, had no time to promote the film. As far as my intervention in concerned, the director Neeraj Pathak himself came to me to ask for advice. I only advised him to increase the film's tempo. Is it a crime to give suggestions for a film where there're so many financial stakes? The film was started when there was a boom...big fruits were laden on the tree. When it was released the tree had dried up. All the cast and crew reaped the fruits. We the film's world financiers were left with no money. We sold the entire overseas territory for Rs. 20 lakhs. We spent Rs.1.5 crores on the publicity. But the actors were not available for the publicity. Sunny said he's too shy to do publicity. Look at Shah Rukh and Aamir how they promote their films. They hold their producers' hands and take them everywhere for a film's publicity. Instead of publicity for Right Yaaa Wrong, Sunny left for Punjab to shoot his film. Please don't blame Mukta Arts. Now why is Sunny getting agitated? He's a good boy. But he's innocent about the changing marketing strategy of cinema. Sunny needs to get real."

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.03.10 08:07. Заголовок: "I am open to ch..

"I am open to challenging roles" - Sunny Deol

By Taran Adarsh, March 23, 2010 - 08:36 IST

Sunny Deol has is ready to embrace the changing scenario. Okay, let me explain. The actor, who has maintained a low profile all this while, has decided to turn aggressive… off screen, of course. More market-friendly and more media-friendly too. "Times have changed. It's important that the world knows what kind of work you do. It's all about making the right noise," Sunny confides.

He's shooting non-stop with dad Dharmendra and bro Bobby for Sameer Karnik's YAMLA PAGLA DEEWANA in Punjab. "Gone are the days when people used to let the product do the talking. Earlier, in the 1970s and 1980s, my father and several of his contemporaries had multiple releases each year and most of them hit the bull's eye, without anyone devoting 20 days for promotional activities. Yet, those films drew audiences in hordes," Sunny reminisces.

So why has he, all of a sudden, decided to follow Aamir, SRK and Akshay's footsteps? "The initial weekend business plays a crucial part today. You need to work hard and make people aware of your film. Marketing and promotion have become all-important these days," Sunny states.

The actor has also decided to re-invent himself. A lot of people feel that the actor started repeating himself in film after film, which made a dent in the box-office earnings of his films. "That's true! But I am open to working in movies that have something different to say. The viewers aren't keen to watch the same stuff, which is why you find a spurt in storytellers keen on narrating fresh stories. I am open to challenging roles," Sunny emphasises.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.03.10 11:07. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: "..

BobbyK пишет:

"I am open to challenging roles" - Sunny Deol

Для тех, кто не понял - краткий перессказ.

Саня, похоже, понял, что пора менять политику в отношениях с прессой и решил быть более "видимым" (ну наконец-то!!! Неужели наши молитвы услышаны? ) и более ориентированным на рынок. По его словам, "времена изменились, и важно, чтобы люди знали, над чем мы работаем".
Кароче, маркетинг и промоушен - прежде всего!!!

Кроме того, Саня не против сменить амплуа и открыт для вызывающих ролей и свежих историй.

Ну дай-то Бог...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.03.10 21:54. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Кароч..

BobbyK пишет:

Кароче, маркетинг и промоушен - прежде всего!!!
Кроме того, Саня не против сменить амплуа и открыт для вызывающих ролей и свежих историй.

если бы все так и было... *держит кулачки*

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.04.10 09:25. Заголовок: I LOVE BEING CLOSE T..

Published : Monday, April 19, 2010 15:45 [IST]

Even though Sunny Deol is not much of a traveller, he does love holidaying at quiet places, especially the ones that are close to nature. In an interview, he reveals more about his idea of fun and unwinding.

Holidays are family times
I am not too fond of travelling. That is why I love holidaying at places where I can just relax and unwind. I am usually very busy because of work. So whenever I get time, I like to spend it with my family. Even if I go out, I make sure it is with my family. However, I do travel a lot but that is purely for work purpose and one does not get time to relax. So the real fun is when you are holidaying with your family members.

Desi ghee meals and games
Our entire family loves going out for picnics and we enjoy a lot in the natural surroundings. We play sports like volleyball as everyone, right from my dad to Bobby and my children get involved. We also enjoy eating pure homemade ‘desi’ ghee meals.

Far from the madding crowd
I often love to visit places that are calm and close to nature. That is why I love Khandala, where I often go with my family. I find that place very calm and beautiful. Very soon we are planning to open our own studio there. However, there is one disadvantage of being popular; we cannot move around freely there, because people recognise us. But the love of our fans touches our hearts. As far as places abroad go, I love London. Particularly the buildings of that city fascinate me very much.

Life’s never easy in the city
I don’t understand how people can live in the cities. Here there is no water, no electricity and no housing. It’s fine for those who can afford all this. But then there are those who are unnecessarily bearing all this, which is something beyond my understanding. There is such a lot of pollution and crowd that life never seems easy. Whenever I get time to visit Punjab, I don’t actually feel like coming back from that milieu.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.04.10 12:01. Заголовок: (Source : Filmicaf&#..

(Source : Filmicafé)

By IANS, 25 April, 2010

Farhan Akhtar might have successfully remade Amitabh Bachchan-starrer "Don", and Fardeen Khan is planning to remake his late father Feroz Khan's hit "Qurbani", but action star Sunny Deol won't recreate any of his father Dharmendra's films as he is strictly against remakes.

"I don't think one should or can recreate any of our older films because there was magic in those films created by the actors, the directors and the period they were set in. So you can't really recreate that," Sunny told the media. (IANS)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.05.10 11:47. Заголовок: One should not remak..

One should not remake old films – Sunny Deol
Monday, Apr 26, 2010, Farhan Akhtar might have successfully remade Amitabh Bachchan-starrer “Don”, and Fardeen Khan is planning to remake his late father Feroz Khan’s hit “Qurbani”, but action star Sunny Deol won’t recreate any of his father Dharmendra’s films as he is strictly against remakes.

“I don’t think one should or can recreate any of our older films because there was magic in those films created by the actors, the directors and the period they were set in. So you can’t really recreate that,” Sunny told IANS.


- говорит здесь, что против римейков - я тоже это дело не приветствую

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.08.10 07:29. Заголовок: Moviehattan News Net..

Moviehattan News Network
August 16, 2010 | 2:48 PM IST

Santa Claus is bringing Double Dhamaka this Christmas. Two of the most popular Actors who played Sikh Heroes like Tara Singh and Happy Singh will come face to face on December 24. Yes, Sunny Deol is back to playing a Loving Sikh in Yamla Pagla Deewana and Akshay will be the Tees Maar Khan. What is more exciting is the fact that both rule Punjab and the Northern territory of India.

While Sunny has successfully broken box-office records twice with the Superhit Border and All time Blockbuster Gadar - Ek Prem Katha, Akshay Kumar's Singh is Kinng was the second biggest hit of the year. Both have tremendous fan following up north and post Singh is Kinng, Akshay has won hearts overseas as well.

While Akshay teams up with Katrina, the unbeatable combo, Sunny Deol has the company of his Apne, Dhamendra and Bobby Deol. Although, Akshay won't play a Singh in Tees Maar Khan, he plays Tabrez Mirza Khan "TMK", he will surely have an upper-hand Pan India and overseas, but the Deol power is not to be under-estimated.

Akshay's PR and Marketing activities and the Akki-Katrina combo highlights TMK to be a winner. But on the other hand, 3 Deols which is a rare combo and that also in a laugh riot are highlights of YPD. Also with the Big YPD Poster released on Aug 15, may be 3D are signaling us that they will go bang on marketing this time.

The teasers are keenly awaited and will surely be helping those confused, which flick to catch first. There are also chances that both the movies strike gold as has happened with Kuch Kuch Hota Hai - Bade Miyan Chote Miyan(1998), Lagaan - Gadar(2001), Taare Zameen Par - Welcome(2007) and also the Christmas week in the past 4 years have churned Superhits like 3 Idiots, Bhaagam Bhaag, Welcome, Taare Zameen Par and Ghajini.

So, this Christmas its Jingle Balle Jingle Balle! Balle Balle all the way! Two biggest entertainers clashing on the same day and there is no reason why both won't turn out to be a Success at the Box-office, if they do then 2010 will also end on a bang for Bollywood like 2009.

Now, since its definitely Singh Vs Singh, Who will be the King this Christmas is to be seen, is it Tara Singh or Happy Singh. As both promise a Dhamaka package, its a Win-Win situation for the Movie-Goers.

источник -<\/u><\/a>

- пишут, мол, Санта-Клаус готовит двойной убойный подарок на Рождество: Санни с компанией Деолов в "Yamla Pagla Deewana", и Акшaй с Катриной в "Tees Maar Khan". Ждем-с

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.08.10 10:34. Заголовок: anakta пишет: Санта..

anakta пишет:

Санта-Клаус готовит двойной убойный подарок на Рождество: Санни с компанией Деолов в "Yamla Pagla Deewana", и Акшaй с Катриной в "Tees Maar Khan". Ждем-с

Это катастрофа.. Ну голову надо иметь, товарисчи - сколько раз уже накалывались...
Единственная надежда - сто народ уже устанет от акшаевых комедий и повалит на деоловскую.. Хотя там Фара Кхан режиссирует - у нее провалов не случалось...
Ну идиотики блин....

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.08.10 21:57. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Это ка..

BobbyK пишет:
Это катастрофа..

- оно, конечно... но ведь пишут, мол, рождественская неделя по нескольку хитов поднимает - может, и сложится

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.08.10 11:24. Заголовок: - вот, пишут - и у С..

- вот, пишут - и у Сани новая работа есть - удачи ему

After GADAR, Sunny Deol to play a truck driver again
August 23, 2010 06:25:33 PM IST
Bollywood Trade News Network

Producer-writer-director K. C. Bokadia is making his comeback after five years with the film KHUDA KASAM. Sunny Deol is playing a truck driver in this film. KHUDA KASAM is made by producer Amit Kumar Bokadia under the banner of 'Sangeeta Pictures'. It is being presented by Lalit Modi and T.P.Agrawal.

After GADAR- EK PREM KATAHA, Sunny Deol will again be playing a truck driver in this film. This character that he is playing is of a simple and honest Muslim, who becomes violent after he is indicted in a false case by Home Minister, played by Ashish Vidyarthi. Tabu plays lead lady of the film. Mukesh Rishi is in the role of Jailor and Govind Namdev is police S. P.


On his latest film KHUDA KASAM director K.C.Bokadia says, 'This is a family entertainer full with good music, drama and action. At the same time this film has message that communal riots and hatred do not do us good. I am also sure that the song Maula Mera Daman Bhar De will be liked by everyone."

On his cameback after 5 years he says, 'Actually I have been working on one more film with Govinda and Priyanka Chopra. This film will release on Diwali. Because of some problems with distribution, I have deiced to release it myself. I have made a family film. I don't make films on a set pattern and without any reason. I don't follow anyone as it is trend here.'

KHUDA KASAM is scheduled to release this Eid on 10th September 2010.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 28.09.10 20:36. Заголовок: Sunny Deol will sta..

Sunny Deol will star in love story directed by Radhika Rao & Vinay Sapru
By Subhash K. Jha, September 27, 2010 - 11:01 IST

Sunny Deol All izz not well for Tabu and Sunny Deol. Their once- impressive careers have hit a low patch lately. And to make it worse K.C. Bokadia has suddenly woken up with a long in-the-cans film Khuda Kasam. Earlier entitled The Challenge, the film was deemed as good as gone when it was miraculously revived.

When asked about it Tabu's terse reply is, "It's a film that was made 12 years ago." Sunny and Tabu were a hit pair in J P Dutta's Border. But pretty much a flop in their other films together namely Maa Tujhe Salaam, Jaal The Trap and Himmat.

Sunny defends the producer's right to release his film as and when he wants. "It's his money, and his film. He can release it when he wants. Who am I to object to it? People don't realize how much effort goes into a film and how painful it is to let a film remain in the cans."

However Sunny and Tabu are unlikely to be promoting Khuda Kasam in any way. Sunny Deol is going to be off action for a while. His next film is an out and out love story directed by Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru (of Lucky fame). Sunny pairs with Kangna Ranaut in the film. Says the last action hero, "There will be no stunts, no action this time. Sorry, if that disappoints my fans. This one is an out-and-out love story."

Even the proposed action sequences that Sunny is about to shoot with his dad Dharmendra and brother Bobby for Samir Karnik's Yamla Pagla Deewana will be comic in nature.

Just back from his surgery in the US Sunny Deol has begun to see the lighter side of putting his back repeatedly under the knife.

Says the last action hero, "Every time I go through surgery I think this is the last time. But I guess I should never say never again. This comes from abusing my body. I refused to listen to the warning signals. I continued to do tough stunts, play rigorous outdoor sports thinking it's just a back strain. Now I'm paying the price for it."

Sunny says his back is repaired for now. "But who has seen tomorrow? I'd just like to be careful for now."

источник -<\/u><\/a>

- поняла только, что Саня собирается выпустить фильм, снятый 12 лет назад и "положенный на полку" по коммерческим соображениям - ; и что он только что вернулся из Америки после операции - и, видимо, не последней

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.12.10 01:29. Заголовок: Emotional connect 1..

Emotional connect 18.12.2010

Unlike any other Bollywood star, Sunny Deol is reticent and not media-savvy. Despite being a successful actor in the Hindi film industry for over 27 years, he only wants to be remembered as a good human being, writes Rajiv Vijayakar

THREE IS COMPANY: ‘Yamla Pagla Deewana’ brings Bobby, Sunny and Dharmendra together after ‘Apne’.It’s been 27 years since Sunny Deol made his debut in the Hindi film industry with Betaab. Since then, he has been a successful actor for more than 20 years, starring in blockbusters like Tridev, Ghayal, Darr and Gadar – Ek Prem Katha besides being a part of acclaimed films like Arjun and Ghatak. He has also donned the hat of a producer and director. And now, Sunny Deol is ready with his latest release, Yamla Pagla Deewana. The film brings Dharmendra, Bobby Deol and Sunny together again after their 2007 film, Apne. Yamla Pagla Deewana is due to release on January 14.


The reticent Sunny Deol is suddenly all over the place, reality shows included. He has realised that one has to be promotion-savvy. “We can’t whisper any more about a new film!” he smiles. “We have to shout at the top of our voices. Thankfully, God has given us all loud voices!” he laughs. “We are doing a lot of promotional activities for the film.

Frankly, though it is something that I have never done till now, I am really enjoying it!”
The three Deols, he admits, are pretty charged up about this film, which is directed by Samir Karnik. “We took 18 months to lock the script,” reveals Sunny. “After Apne, it was important for us to make something totally different. An action-comedy with a lost-and-found angle, but with a difference, was ideal.” The original concept by Sunny Deol was about two brothers. “But then, I thought of bringing in a third character, and who better than my dad as our father?” he says. He adds further, “Jaswinder Bath developed the idea further.”

Why did he not produce or direct the film himself? “I am already co-directing The Man with Neeraj Pathak,” says Sunny, who directed Dillagi (1999) and produced Socha Na Tha in 2005. Denying that he is ghost-directing this film, he says the film is a result of team work. “Samir, my dad, Bobby and me would brainstorm with the rest of the team, make suggestions and eventually take a decision.”

Talking about the story, Sunny Deol says, “I play a Canada-based NRI who comes to India in search of his father and brothers. In the film, my dad and Bobby are Robinhood-esque conmen who are more like friends than father and son. The story revolves around our confrontation and the situations that arise as a result.” Sunny is thrilled about the positive response to the promos of the film. “I feel that the film is already a hit!” he smiles. Nafisa Ali, overseas actress Emma Brown and Kulraj Randhawa also star in the film.

Dharmendra has written a song in the film. How did that happen? “Not many know that my father has always been writing poetry. He was inspired by a situation in Yamla Pagla Deewana and we all loved what he had written,” says son. He raves about his dad’s performance and says, “We all knew that he has a superb comic-timing, yet it is a joy to watch him perform on sets everyday.” And why did they sign on multiple composers? “We wanted only one composer!” shrugs Sunny. “But you know how it is. The same thing happened with Dillagi too. Only different people could give us exactly what we wanted.”

Emotional quotient

Exhibiting the Deols’ sound sense of values and gratitude, the music and lyrics credits are led by Laxmikant-Pyarelal and Anand Bakshi, creators of the cult Dharmendra-Rafi hit Main jat yamla pagla deewana from Pratiggya that has given birth to the title of the film. “We have recreated the song, but kept Rafi-saab’s voice intact,” reveals Sunny.

An what does he think of the films being made today? “To each his own, I guess,” smiles the actor. “The audience has changed, so has the media. Also, funding companies, who have to keep their stocks up and submit quarterly audits are a new addition!”

Sunny declares that he is very suspicious of people stating that they liked the cinematography or costumes or dialogues in a film. “That means that something is wrong with the film in totality!” he reasons. Look at South Indian films — they have never lost their grain. To me, that’s cinema, where you can connect without knowing the language that is being spoken. A good film must have a story. After all, what do we watch a movie for? To cry, laugh and be moved emotionally.”

Finally, the actor has a crisp rejoinder to my query about the Deols allowing their emotions to dominate while they sign films. “You can ask Bobby this question. For me, it’s always been instinctive. If I like a story, I am on board. If the film flops, or does not turn out the way it is narrated, I don’t fret. I want to be remembered as a good human being than a sweet talker or manipulator. That’s what Dad has taught us to be — emotional and warm like him.”

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- Сдержанный Санни Деол вдруг появляется повсеместно, реалити-шоу включены... "Мы не можем больше шептать о новом фильме!" - улыбается он. "Мы должны кричать на вершине нашего голоса. К счастью, Бог дал нам все громкие голоса! ", - смеется он. "Мы делаем много пропагандистских мероприятий для фильма. Честно говоря, хотя это то, что я никогда не делал до сих пор, я действительно наслаждаюсь этим! " - ну вот, действительно, радует

и еще интересное: "в оригинальной концепции Санни Деол был при двух братьях. "Но тогда, думая о привлечении третьего персонажа, я подумал - кто лучше, чем мой папа, как наш отец?", - говорит он(Санни). Он добавляет, далее, - Jaswinder Bath разработали идею дальше."

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.12.10 10:19. Заголовок: anakta пишет: дейст..

anakta пишет:

действительно, радует

Ага, не говори. Наконец-то до них дошло, что реклама - залог успеха.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.12.10 13:30. Заголовок: I'm very scared ..

I'm very scared of dad Dharmendra - Sunny Deol
By Ruchika Kher, 19 December 2010,

Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol and dad Dharmendra share a great camaraderie in upcoming entertainer “Yamla Pagla Deewana” but 54-year-old Sunny says in real life he’s really scared of his father.”The characters that we play in this film are not actually how we are in real life. We would never behave like this with our father in real life. I’m shit scared of him. If he is sitting in one room, I’ll run to the other. But when we are working, it’s a completely different thing altogether because we are those characters,” Sunny told us.

He might be scared of Dharmendra, but that doesn’t mean he’s nervous about sharing screen space with him.

“We all live together. So it suddenly doesn’t strike me that he is a big actor, so I’m comfortable working with him. If it was some other actor whom I didn’t know so well, I might be nervous, but not here,” said Sunny.

And even though he’s been in the industry for almost three decades, the actor still values his father’s inputs.

“My dad’s inputs have never had anything to do with a story, it’s always been like don’t do a film which is rubbish just for the sake of it. Only do a film if you like it and are sure of it. So, that way, he has always been guiding us, but he wants us to learn from our own mistakes and I think that’s how it should be,” he said.

The three Deols had come together in “Apne” as well, but Sunny promises that “Yamla Pagla Deewana” will be different and more entertaining.

” ‘Apne’ was an emotional film about family bonds where people were crying. So we had decided that the next film we do together will be a full-on entertainer,” he said.

The actor, who has given hits like “Damini”, “Chaalbaaz” and “Gadar”, is happy that their latest venture is creating just the right buzz before its release.

“This is a film that we have been really working hard on and we had a tough time while getting it made. But when we saw the response of the audience once the trailers were out Nov 5, it was great. Looking at people’s reaction it seems that the film is already a hit; so it’s very scary, but at the same time we are loving the whole feel.”

But doesn’t that put you under a lot of pressure?

“Pressure is definitely there, but whatever we had to do we have already done; we can’t change it now. So it’s just waiting and watching now. We have looked into every detail. It’s not just a film of gags, it’s a story and I’m very positive and sure of the film,” he replied.

Elaborating on his role in the film, Sunny said: “I play a Sikh, who is a NRI, living in Vancouver with his wife, mother and two kids and is a recovery agent. One day he comes to know that his brother and father, who had got lost, are in Benares (Varanasi). The film is about this character’s journey to Benares and the whirlpool of events that follow.”

Sunny hasn’t done too many comedies, but he says he doesn’t have to put in too much effort into them. But what he always found a little tough was dancing.

“As an actor, you don’t have to put effort into acting. You only have to put effort in something you don’t believe in. I’ve only put effort in dances and songs because that didn’t come very naturally to me.”

Tagged as an action star for a long time with films like “Arjun”, “Ghayal” and “Ghatak”, does he plan to return to action any time now?

“I’m working on a few projects because I know that my fans love me in action roles and I have deprived them for a long time…So I’m going through a script…Will announce it this year itself,” Sunny said.<\/u><\/a>

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.12.10 13:32. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: 54-ye..

BobbyK пишет:

54-year-old Sunny

что-та я не помню.. по нашим расчетам тоже выходило, что ему 54? Чет многовато...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.12.10 02:36. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Чет мн..

BobbyK пишет:
Чет многовато...

"Санни Деол д.р. 19 октября 1956 года" - как раз столько и выходит.
Хорошо они там сохраняются - к тому же это семейное

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.12.10 08:04. Заголовок: anakta пишет: Санни..

anakta пишет:

Санни Деол д.р. 19 октября 1956 года" - как раз столько и выходит

Не. По моим расчетам (а они, как показывает практика, подтвержддаются ) он 59 года. А сохраняются хорошо, это да...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.01.11 02:19. Заголовок: Fans believe I can b..

Fans believe I can beat up 100 people: Sunny
Mark Manuel, TNN, Jan 5, 2011, 12.00am IST

Sunny Deol is excited. Yamla Pagla Deewana, his film with father Dharmendra and brother Bobby Deol, releases on January 14. It is their second film together after Apne in 2007.

But this one is different, the promos are promising, the Deols have been getting favourable reports from friends, fans and the industry. Sunny unloaded some of his excitement onto me. "The audience will see us like never before," he said, "the film is wholesome entertainment, like a Manmohan Desai lost-and-found story, but our approach has been more logical. It is a neat and clean film, a good package that ladies, children, grown-ups will enjoy, the story revolves around us nicely, there are no gags for the sake of gags, there's action — my image of a man who can beat up 100 people is there, but it's not bloodlust, there's no vendetta and wanting to hurt, we've made fun of ourselves... Yamla Pagla Deewana has got it all."

He has reason to look forward to the film. Sunny has spent 27 years in Bollywood. But since 2004, it's been a struggle for the proud and rugged Jat. "I don't know why," he admitted ruefully. "Things didn't fall they way they ought to have." And he's not had a release since Right Yaa Wrong in March last year. This has to be his comeback vehicle. With Pa Dharmendra driving. Naturally, Sunny has reason enough to be charged. Father and son have acted in quite a few films before.

Like Sultanat in 1986, in which Sunny played an outlaw and accidentally struck Dharmendra on the knee with a sword during a fight scene, drawing blood. And Savere Wali Gaadi, also from 1986, which was a small and forgetable film. Plus Kshatriya in 1993. Not forgetting Apne. "Yes, we've done some films..." Sunny said. The experience of working with Dharmendra has always been the same for him. "It's nice and easy, though I am his fan, I have always looked upto him as the Man. On the sets, if he's there when I'm giving a shot, he offers his comments."

It took the Deols one-and-half year to get a script that they all liked and even then, while Sunny was gung-ho, Dharmendra was reluctant. It took Samir Karnik, the film's director, to convince the veteran actor. Once Dharmendra was on, Bobby agreed. And they had a film on hand, which is jointly produced by Samir (Top Angle Production) and Nitin Manmohan (One Up Entertainment). The newness of the script, their characterisation, this is what Sunny believes will ring the box-office tills next week Friday. His fans, who have believed since his Damini days that when Sunny Deols hits somebody — he hits them, will be pleased by his own role in Yamla Pagla Deewana.

Shyly he admitted, "They like to see me that way. I'm emotional, when I shout, people listen. And if I don't give that flavour in a film, fans are disappointed. But like I said, this has got it all." His father Dharmendra had earlier told me, "This film is a blessing, it's a big gift from God to all of us, and we have packed it with a punch of emotion. Audiences will have tears in their eyes, my experience of 50 years tells me." So be it, then. Bring it on, Deols... the fans are waiting.

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- "Фильм полезных развлечений, как у Манмохана Десаи история "потеряно-и-найдено", но наш подход был более логичным... Мой образ человека, который может побить до 100 человек, - но это не жажда крови , нет никакой мести и желая обидеть, мы смеялись над собой ..."
"Новизна сценария, их характеристика, это то, что считает Солнечный будет звонить кассовых касс на следующей неделе в пятницу" - и ведь, действительно - премьера уже на следующей неделе! - впору ставить обратный отсчет в "шапке"
Держу за наших кулачки и надеюсь, что все у них сладится

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 18.04.11 09:05. Заголовок: 'It's Abou..

'It's About Publicity, Not Talent Now,' Says Sunny Deol
Press Trust of India
Sunday, April 17, 2011 (Chandigarh)

He has seen plenty of ups and downs in a career spanning three decades and Sunny Deol says that in today's time an actor needs a good publicist, not talent, to survive in the industry.

The National award winning actor said that a good script and story alone don't guarantee a film's success, the marketing has to be equally good.

"Earlier, there were days when one used to think that talent speaks for itself. We never used to make appearances, give interviews and talk about our films. But today even if you have abundant talent, you will still need publicity or else the talent will remain hidden from the people," the 54-year-old actor told PTI.

Despite being a good film, he said said Right Yaaa Wrong failed at the box office because it was not widely publicised.

"We analysed the reason behind it and probably we were publicity shy. In my last film Yamla Pagla Deewana, which I did with my father (veteran actor Dharmendra) and (brother) Bobby, we made sure it got the right publicity," he said.

The actor said that the present situation lent a lot of power to the media as they influence the audience's decision whether or not to watch a film.

"It is through media reports that most of the people form an opinion whether to watch a particular film or not," said Deol.

At present, Deol is all set to revive his home banner Vijeta films with a sequel of his 1990 blockbuster Ghayal, which had won seven Filmfare awards.

In his long career, Deol has several other hits including Damini (1993), Darr (1993), Border (1997) and Gadar: Ek Prem Katha (2001).

источник -

- как бы ни был фильм хорош - без грамотного маркетинга ни на что рассчитывать нельзя. И для актера теперь важнее не танант, а промоушен...
Как не крути, но против этого не попрешь! А жаль, блин...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.06.12 15:06. Заголовок: - Саня рассказывает ..

- Саня рассказывает про свои хиты - из недавней, похоже, передачки, только на днях выставили. И ведь по-английски - похоже! - говорит...

Bollywood Blockbusters: Golden Years of Sunny Deol (Full Episode)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.06.12 22:36. Заголовок: Sunny Deol to play a..

Sunny Deol to play a sardar for next film

Sunny Deol, who was last seen in Yamla Pagla Deewana in 2011, is gearing up for his next film Singh Sahab the Great. To be helmed by Anil Sharma, it will feature him as a sardar and the shooting is exepcted to start in October or November.

"I am making a film with Sunny Deol. The film is titled Singh Sahab the Great and Sunny plays a sardar in the film. The leading lady of the film is not yet finalised," Sharma, who earlier made hits like Gadar - Ek Prem Katha, The Hero - Love Story of a Spy and Apne with Sunny, told IANS.

Talking about the subject, he said the "film deals with the system and corruption in our country".

Before it goes on floor, the film's music will be launched Thursday.

"We have different music directors for this film and the first music is composed by Anu Malik," he said.

"We will start shooting from October or November. We are planning to finish the entire film in three to four months. The entire film will be shot in Mumbai, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar," he added.

Sharma, who has been lying low post the failure of 2010 Salman Khan starrer Veer, says planning a film is a time consuming affair and added: "Every film takes time. I take a lot of time in scripting and now when I am ready, I am making an announcement."

индия таймс. 20.06.2012

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.06.12 12:20. Заголовок: Sunny, Anil jodi reu..

Sunny, Anil jodi reunite

Whenever they've come together, Sunny Deol and Anil Sharma have created box office magic. After Gadar: Ek Prem Katha and The Hero: Love Story of a Spy and Apne, their next will be Singh Saheb The Great, with Deol playing an honest collector dealing with corruption in the action-packed film.

"Fans kept telling me how desperately they wanted to see Sunny in action again! Well, here we are, with Singh Sahab The Great," smiles director Anil Sharma. He adds, "At the same time, it will be a complete entertainer."

Set in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, the film will be made on a lavish scale. "By lavish, we mean as far as the location, the character and the plot is concerned," reveals Sunny.

The two shared a visible camaraderie at a recent photoshoot. Anil muses about the comfort level he shares with the actor. "He has never said, 'Yeh dialogue daal do! Yeh scene nikaal do.' That is the reason why we — and our films — have clicked so well. He has always allowed me to capture the essence of his character just the way it is," says Anil.

Sunny feels that his director-buddy highlights his strong points on screen quite effectively. "I have always played characters I have believed in. I can't fake emotions. When Anil narrated the subject to me, my character reminded me of the role that my father had done in Satyakam. However, SSTG is no Satyakam. It is a completely different film. But the character I play is a very powerful one."

Prakash Raj will be seen essaying the villain's role. He laughs, "The tough tussle between Sunny and me is to watch out for."

While the actual shooting begins in October this year, a song recording by music director Anu Malik marks the start of Singh Saheb The Great today. "We will soon zero in two leading ladies," reveals Sharma.

Anuj Sharma, Shantketan Entertainment and Jeetu Jain from Alumbra Entertainment and Media Pvt Ltd are co-producing the film.
Таймс оф Индиа, 21.06.2012

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.06.12 12:27. Заголовок: Совершенно замечател..

Совершенно замечательное интервью про Санни и Абхая от 9 июня 2012 года.

Sunny Deol a thorough gentleman: Tannishtha Chatterjee

Actress Tannishtha Chatterjee, who has earlier worked with Abhay Deol, has now teamed with his elder cousin Sunny for her first commercial Hindi film "I Love New Year". And she is all praise for the actor.

"Abhay chooses his films a little differently from Sunny. Sunny is a far more mainstream star in a different generation. I had an amazing time working with him. Sunny Deol is a thorough gentleman," Tannishtha told IANS.

The actress, who has earlier worked with Abhay in the 2009 film "Road, Movie", says both the brothers are different to work with.

"They come from different traditions of cinema. Sunny is much senior to us. When we saw his films, it was bit of a star thing and Abhay is like a friend. But I think Sunny is so wonderfully humble and such a gentleman and this is something that Abhay had told me before I started working with Sunny," Tannishtha said.

"I Love New Year" will release very soon this year, she said, adding that she "didn't know what to expect from a Bollywood film".

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.06.12 20:22. Заголовок: - ну, пожалуй тут не..

- ну, пожалуй тут не интервью, а мнение - но приятно, когда про хороших людей говорят хорошее

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.06.12 21:50. Заголовок: anakta Интервью Аб..


Интервью Абхая, мнение о Санни. Я долго думала, куда поместить, в какую тему, к какому брату. Вообще, я там еще порыскаю, в этой газете. Правда, я мало что понимаю из написанного, но все равно интересно, и новости у них есть.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.06.12 04:26. Заголовок: nari пишет: Интервью..

nari пишет:
Интервью Абхая

- а написано, вроде, что Tannishtha Chatterjee, коллега Санни по "I Love New Year". Который так и не вышел в прошлый Новый год... Ну, м.б. на грядущий-таки выйдет...

А вот "Masters" того же Анила Шармы перемещаются, похоже, в неведомую даль - а, казалось бы, всё уже было на мази...

"Speaking about his other film starring the Deol trio Dharmendra, Sunny and Bobby, Anil says, "I am supposed to make Masters with the three Deols. We will start work on that film after I am done with Singh Sahab The Great because the Deols are first working on Yamla Pagla Deewana sequel but we will start the shooting of Masters sometime next year."

из чуть другого варианта сообщения про совместную работу Сани и Анила.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.06.12 08:54. Заголовок: anakta Я ж говорю,..

Я ж говорю, у меня проблемы с английским, понимаю отдельные предложения, ну и гугл в помощь. Но тут такой интерес, что надеюсь начать понимать больше.

С фильмом жалко, особенно если учесть, что и с этим учителем санскрита не все ладно, вроде проскакивала информация, что режиссер просит еще денег, а продюсер не дает, пока ему не покажут, на какие конкретно сцены из сценария они нужны.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 28.06.12 19:26. Заголовок: Вроде это новость, а..

Вроде это новость, а может, и нет... Не поняла я ничего.

After making a hit pairing with Sanjay Dutt in the ''Munnabhai'' series, actor Arshad Warsi is moving on to create another on-screen 'jodi' with Sunny Deol in ''Bhaiyaaji Superhit''.

Directed by Neeraj Pathak, the film is an action comedy and rumour has it that the screenplay of the film is in the same lines of Raj Kumar Hirani's hit comedy series.
But Pathak has denied the rumours, saying it was Arshad's idea to create a new male-pairing with Deol.

"Arshad said since he has made a good pairing with Sanjay Dutt in the past, why couldn't he and Sunny bring on a new association?

"'Bhaiyaaji Superhit' isn't exactly on the lines of 'Munnabhai' series but it has ample moments that would demonstrate good chemistry between a veteran like Sunny as well as Arshad who has been around for a decade and a half now. It is going to be magic for sure"," Neeraj told PTI.

Arshad will be seen playing the character of a filmmaker and Neeraj said the 44-year-old actor was the first choice for the role.

"I was convinced that Arshad was the only actor who could play this role. It is tailor-made for him. Even though Arshad and I haven't worked together, we share a great equation. The moment I narrated the script to him he realised that there were some excellent sequences that he would share with Sunny."

The filmmaker, who started his career two years ago with Deol starrer "Right Yaaa Wrong", said selecting actors that suit the script is very important.

"Since I am a writer first, I personally feel character detailing has to be perfect and the pacing just right. Moreover, to compliment that, you need to have actors who come with the best comic timing.

"I see that in my actors. When you have this combination in place, the script has to be designed in such a way that it never becomes boring when translated on screen," he said.

The film, which also stars Ameesha Patel and Tusshar Kapoor, it will release early next year.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 28.06.12 22:32. Заголовок: - ну да, в некотором..

- ну да, в некотором смысле новость - ещё про одно Санино динамо, ''Bhaiyaaji Superhit'' - тот, который к декабрю выпустить обещают, но пока так и не могут окончательный состав собрать... Жаль, если не сложится - это комедия с двойной ролью для Сани предполагается.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.06.12 08:57. Заголовок: anakta Пора провод..


Пора проводить обряды против их долгостроев. Может, вудуистсткие, может, буддийские, лишь бы сдвинулось.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.06.12 15:01. Заголовок: nari пишет: Пора про..

nari пишет:
Пора проводить обряды против их долгостроев

- да тут, похоже, поможет, только если джина отловить...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.06.12 20:16. Заголовок: А Санька то с Бобсом..

А Санька то с Бобсом так и не явились на свадьбу...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.06.12 20:21. Заголовок: Деоломанка Ага, а ..


Ага, а я так на Саню надеялась...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.06.12 06:25. Заголовок: Не всё спокойно в Д..

Не всё спокойно в Деоловском королевстве.Сестрёнку то могли и уважить

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или Лорик :))

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.06.12 06:40. Заголовок: Да уж.. Все-таки не ..

Да уж.. Все-таки не так много у них сестер, и не каждый год они замуж выходят, Эшка-то вон вообще в девках засиделась надолго
Безобразие вопчем форменное. Могли бы и выделить полдня.
Свинтусы, вопчем

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.06.12 08:39. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: Могли ..

BobbyK пишет:
Могли бы и выделить полдня.

- да, по-моему, ясно, что это отговорки. Потому и Дхарам старается слиться - ведь любой репортер только про это и спросит. А что отвечать - ту же лабуду про съемки...

Вон, пишут, что Саня вообще в городе:
"...while Sunny is busy with sohot of Bhaiyaaji Superhit in Mumbai. " - и "занимается sohot из Bhaiyaaji суперхит". М.б. BobbyK знает, что это такое?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.06.12 18:11. Заголовок: Я разочарована Саньк..

Я разочарована Санькой вапче,ну то что Бобс не придёт я знала,но чтоб и Санька?!Это уж ни в какие ворота.....

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.07.12 16:58. Заголовок: Еще раз о том же сам..

Еще раз о том же самом

Sunny Deol in Anil Sharma's Next

Sunny Deol and Anil Sharma share a great rapport. The director gave Sunny Deol some of his greatest films including Gadar - Ek Prem Katha and Apne. After directing Veer, which was a box office disaster two years ago, Anil Sharma has finally agreed to get into direction again. It seems that Sunny and Anil Sharma are ready to work together in the upcoming Singh Sahab The Great.

Apparently, Anil Sharma approached Sunny Deol for the role of the main character because he needed someone powerful and action-oriented. Singh Sahab The Great is a film about a District Collector, whose main goal in life is to eradicate corruption. Sunny Deol will do much action, stunts, but will also be very humourous. Sunny Deol will play a sardar in the film.

The film is already underway as Anu Malik has been roped in for the music direction of the film and the first song has already been composed. Masters, the film starring all three Deol men, is next in the pipeline. It seems that the Deol men are back in 'action'!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.07.12 10:27. Заголовок: Sunny Deol, Amisha P..

Sunny Deol, Amisha Patel team up again after 'Gadar'

The mood on the sets of Neeraj Pathak's Bhaiyyaji Superhitt (BS) is upbeat. Amisha Patel and Sunny Deol are in their element. Contrary to rumours of the film being shelved, it is being shot at a brisk pace.

"Why give unnecessary importance to baseless rumours! The truth will speak for itself," Amisha says nonchalantly when asked where the rumours began in the first place. Amisha has just returned from a marathon schedule of Race-2 in Turkey.

"My plate is full with lot of good work. I am looking forward to Shortcut Romeo and Race-2. There's also Desi Magic and Paradise Street being made under my home banner. The first has me in a double role, a brainwave of my partner and good friend Kunal Goomer. He is working on the script and I am sure the film will surprise all. And, of course there is Bhaiyyaji Superhitt," she smiles.

Amisha further says, "Sunny and I will be different in this film as compared what you saw of us in Gadar. What makes our combo even more interesting here is Sunny's double role in the film. I am flirting with one but am actually in love with the other. We have not resorted to slapstick humour that is so typical of double roles in a film. It also shows our innocence and vulnerability and that works in our favour as a pair."

Of Sunny, Amisha says, "His shy nature is so endearing. That is what makes him the star that he is."

According to Sunny, BS has stood its ground despite facing rough weather. "Everybody wants the film not to be made. I don't know why. But let me tell you that my fans are going to enjoy watching me in a double role," he smiles.

Director Neeraj Pathak adds, "Sunny and I just laughed when we read that the film was shelved. Our schedules have started and we don't have to prove anything to anyone."

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.07.12 09:46. Заголовок: - очередной новый - ..

- очередной новый - на фоне так и не вышедших прежних, проект видимо, Шармы, т.к. название не указано. Мне не перевести, потому что здесь над Саней прикололись - похоже весьма едко

Sunny Deol wants to be a Punjabi superhero!

And by doing that he wants to save the world from tyrant landlords. Whatever next!

Sunny Deol is known for his action, and we all know that, don’t we? But this time the Jat wants to put it to good use and take up a social issue. Hearing this makes us wonder if Sunny dearest is suffering from the Satyamev Jayate syndrome that’s gone viral, all thanks to the B-town perfectionist, Aamir Khan. But before you begin to mull on that thought, hear this.

The idea of playing a superhero isn’t something that popped up in the Deol dude’s mind recently. He has been sitting on it for a long while, all the time thinking that superhero flicks are so blah. But after watching Krissh and Ra.One, and hearing about Salman Khan planning to play the role of a hero with a magical beard in Sher Khan, Sunny realised that he was mistaken perhaps.

So finally now Sunny has consented to wearing his undies over his pants…errrr…dhoti. But he won’t try to save the world from imaginary villains jumping out of the screen or from evil sci-fi gadgets. He will tackle a real social villain – tyrant landlords. And while the theme remains as desi as ever, the stunts and technology involved, we are told, won’t. Whoa! Now that’s a good mix, isn’t it?

What’s more, birdies chirp that the gabru jawaan has even managed to find a muse for himself. And it’s the babe who loves wearing colourful ghaghra cholis – Sonakshi Sinha! Perfect choice, huh?

This is what we call delightful news. Why, we can almost see Hrithik Roshan, Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan waiting with open arms and wide grins saying, “Welcome to the club, dude!”

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 18.08.12 09:04. Заголовок: Sunny Deol's ..

Sunny Deol's 'Ghayal Returns' not shelved
Aug 17,2012
Mumbai, Aug 17 (PTI) Despite actor Sunny Deol starrer 'Ghayal Returns' hitting a roadblock, the sequel it definitely on the anvil, its director says. "The sequel will definitely be made. I am working on the script. I can't talk about the film or any other details related to the project," director Rahul Rawail told PTI. Earlier Sunny Deol had roped in Ashwini Chaudhury of 'Jodi Breakers' fame to direct 'Ghayal Returns'. However, reportedly due to some disagreements between Sunny and Ashwini, the association did not go forward. Incidentally, Ashwini had already shot the first teaser of 'Ghayal Returns' last year which is out on internet. Sunny then handed over the project to director Rahul Rawail, with whom he had worked 12 years ago in 'Arjun Pandit'. 'Ghayal Returns' is a sequel to 1990 hit action film 'Ghayal' which had Sunny and Meenakshi Seshadri in the lead. "Both Sunny and Rahul did not want to go ahead with the story that Ashwini had penned. So, Rahul is working on a fresh story which is different from what Ashwini had conceptualised," a source close the project said. The sequel is likely to go on floors next year. "Rahul had several ideas about 'Ghayal Returns' and Sunny has selected one. Rahul is working on the idea. To develop a good story will take time...say about six months or so," the source added. There was a buzz that Vidya Balan and Bipasha Basu were approached for 'Ghayal Returns'. As of now only, Sunny has been finalised for the sequel, the makers have not zeroed in on the leading lady. "Once Rahul is done with his script then we will approach the actress," the source said.

Будут снимать продолжение.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.09.12 20:07. Заголовок: Says director Chandr..

Says director Chandraprakash Dwivedi, "We plan to go to cities situated on the banks of the Ganga, where we'll try to spread the message of keeping the river pollution-free. Sunny will be distributing filtered gangajal to people, and those keen to get a picture with the actor will have to take an oath of keeping the river clean."

Саня выступает за чистоту священной Ганги.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.09.12 22:11. Заголовок: Для разнообразия, Кр..

Для разнообразия, Кристина Ахеева о Деолах и Сане.

How is your initial experience with the Deols?
Fantastic! They treat you like a family member and make you feel relaxed and nice. I am paired opposite Sunny Deol in the film. Though people feel that there’s a considerable age difference between us (Sunny is 55), I am not bothered about it. I feel that I can learn a lot from him since he’s such a veteran and powerful performer.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.09.12 16:19. Заголовок: - да, разница в возр..

- да, разница в возрасте у них, канеШ... интересно, как это в сценарии объяснено - или Саню просто как Раджниканта в вечно молодого зарисуют
И вот не понятно из статьи - таки они начали снимать или ещё нет... Ну хорошо, хоть остановились на каком-то варианте и уже познакомились.
Представляю, как её русская мама в кайфе - небось в свое время тоже "Зитой и Гитой" и "Али-бабой" засматривалась!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.09.12 21:54. Заголовок: Четыре Деола начали ..

Четыре Деола начали работу над фильмом.

With the upcoming film ‘Yamla Pagla Deewana 2’, it is not only the 3 Deols (Dharmendra, Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol) who are coming together but Sunny Deol’s son Karan Deol, better known as Rocky, is also making his first step into the film industry.

The shooting of the much-awaited film went underway last week at the United Kingdom. The first day of the shoot was made extra special since it was Rocky who gave the first clap.

Not just that, the Junior Deol will also be assisting director Sangeeth Sivan on the film. In addition, he has also been assigned the responsibility of writing continuity shots during the filming.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.09.12 23:10. Заголовок: - молодец! И Радж Ка..

- молодец! И Радж Капур, как известно, с хлопушки начинал - а тут ещё и по-кадровый учет доверили, дело серьезное
Ещё в одном материале из линейки было, что не только старший Каран, но и младший Санин сын Раджвир "заинтересован в карьере в Болливуде" - глядишь, и его припашут...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.09.12 06:27. Заголовок: Я надеюсь младший то..

Я надеюсь младший то покраше будет?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.09.12 08:36. Заголовок: anakta Вот бы фотк..


Вот бы фотку Раджвира надыбать!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.09.12 08:43. Заголовок: Завтра поищу.!!А сей..

Завтра поищу.!!А сейчас на работу полетела))

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.09.12 11:35. Заголовок: Деоломанка пишет: За..

Деоломанка пишет:
Завтра поищу

- ну, может тебе повезет - тогда заодно уж и Пуджу его, а то после свадебных ни одной нигде фотки...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.12 21:09. Заголовок: http://sphotos-g.ak...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.11.12 12:32. Заголовок: http://sphotos-e.ak...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 18.11.12 23:20. Заголовок: While Sunny Deol is ..

While Sunny Deol is busy shooting for his home production Yamla Pagla Deewana 2 in London, back home two of his films await to be completed. One is Chandra Prakash Dwivedi’s Mohalla Assi in which the actor plays a Sanskrit scholar and the other is Vinay Sapru and Radhika Rao’s I Love New Year, a film about events which happen during one night.

“My film is complete and that includes the background music. I am waiting for Sunny to come back from London, by November end and complete his portion of dubbing, which would be a five-day job,” said Dwivedi. The release date of the film is still undecided and the director is hoping to lock it as soon as the dubbing is complete.

On the other hand, a song sequence for I Love New Year is yet to be picturised. The song which also has the film’s leading lady Kangana Ranaut, was to be shot in April this year, but Sunny was busy with the pre-production of his home production. “We shall be shooting it in the third week of January,” said Sapru. The film, which should ideally release around new year because of its title and content is now scheduled to release on February 22.

В общем, в фильме про учителя им немножко осталось, а "Я люблю Нью-Йорк" выйдет 22 февраля, хотя он новогодний.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.11.12 00:09. Заголовок: nari пишет: "Я л..

nari пишет:
"Я люблю Нью-Йорк" выйдет 22 февраля, хотя он новогодний.

- "Я люблю Новый год" (Нью-Йорк=New York) обещали ещё к прошлому НГ - но уж если к этому выйдет, так действительно просто праздник! Будем надеяться на сей рождественский сюрприз

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.11.12 06:03. Заголовок: 22 февраля?Ой...а ум..

22 февраля?Ой...а уменя 22 февраля Днюха!! Ну ваааще класс!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.11.12 06:19. Заголовок: Я так понимаю имели ..

Я так понимаю имели ввиду роман Саньки с Димпл

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.11.12 06:20. Заголовок: http://s2.ipicture.r..

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.11.12 08:09. Заголовок: anakta Я уже знаю,..


Я уже знаю, что к прошлому, но они ж чего по-английски написали, в чем причина задержки. Правда, я ни фига не поняла.


Вот прямо по обложке видно, кому симпатизирует журналист или редактор журнала. Могли бы Сане фотку и поприличней подобрать!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.11.12 10:26. Заголовок: nari пишет: они ж че..

nari пишет:
они ж чего по-английски написали, в чем причина задержки.

- да оба на Саню валят: про учителя санскрита говорят, что ждут возвращения, чтоб закончить озвучание "работа на пять дней"; а про Новый год - песня не Канганой ещё не снята, "съемки должны были состояться в апреле этого года, но Санни был занят пре-продакшн своего домашнего производства. Сейчас мы запланировали съемки с его участием на третью неделю января"

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.11.12 15:16. Заголовок: Саня! ну-ка срочно и..

Саня! ну-ка срочно иди станцуй, и пусть фильм уже выйдет на Новый год!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.11.12 21:43. Заголовок: http://sphotos-e.ak...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.11.12 21:45. Заголовок: http://sphotos-a.ak...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.11.12 06:42. Заголовок: Чо пишут то про крас..

Чо пишут то про красатуна?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.11.12 08:44. Заголовок: Да вот кабы знать-то..

Да вот кабы знать-то! Все по-ненашему, да много. Да еще картинка - в гугл не впихнешь.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.11.12 09:27. Заголовок: А я зашла в онлайн р..

А я зашла в онлайн раздел,но там надо слушать,а хотелось бы ещё и видеть

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.11.12 12:14. Заголовок: nari пишет: картинка..

nari пишет:
картинка - в гугл не впихнешь.

- сйчас много программок в он-лайне, чтоб из картинки в word переводить. Для больших текстов они денег просят, а пару абзацев можно и так. Главное, чтоб разрешение текста на картинке было хорошее. Но с этим YPD, молодцы, не жмутся
Или по заголовку можно поискать интернет-версию - часто то, что на сканах, уже было в ин-те в привычном нам виде, т.е. гуглепереводимом.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.11.12 20:13. Заголовок: надо как-нибудь заня..

надо как-нибудь заняться, поискать. А то выкладывают много, вдруг что интересное пропустишь.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 28.11.12 10:31. Заголовок: nari nari пишет: Д..


nari пишет:

Да вот кабы знать-то!

Если актуально, я тут по мере слабых сил своих чего поняла в статье, напишу.

Не про Кондрата да Панкрата сложена МахабхарАта.
Не про Касьяна да Демьяна сложена РамаЯна.
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.12.12 11:47. Заголовок: Древняя статья про С..

Древняя статья про Саню от 2001 года. Представляет исторический интерес, и про семью тут тоже есть.

They said Sly Stallone was just beefcake until Rocky. So was Schwarzenegger until Terminator.

But although Gadar has set cash registers ringing across the country, though movie maniacs especially in his native Punjab are thronging cinema halls even at dawn, Sunny Deol is still not uncorking the fizz in public. Tough guy.

Macho Punjabi with the big heart. Yet the heart is a private place, revealing little behind the brooding look and the polite smile. The last place you would have expected to find an enigma is in the personality of Gadar's hero.

He is unwilling to let us speak to near relatives: from the secluded Ramoji Film City on the outskirts of Hyderabad, where he is shooting for director Harry Baweja's Karz, Deol issues clear instructions to his secretary in Mumbai that we are not to be allowed access to his mother, sisters or wife.

But reticent actor though he is, he still says thrice during the course of this unusually long two-day meeting, "I hope you will give this story a lot of space."

After Gadar, and 18 years of Bollywood, Deol need not worry about space now. But the space he has inherited is the position Dharmendra has left vacant: as India's last action hero. At nearly 44, the man who's often said to be plain Dharam Jr, is aware that Gadar has held its own against the rival period opus, Aamir Khan's Lagaan.

Critics calling Gadar crude cinema in comparison with Khan's bothers him perhaps as much as the continued question marks over his acting skills despite two national awards. His father too was considered a lesser star than Rajesh Khanna and later, Amitabh Bachchan. Like him, Deol has always been considered a safe bet by producers and distributors. But the No. 1 label has been elusive.

Although Deol insists that he doesn't care what the press says, this too hurts. "In this industry you have to always blow your own trumpet," says Dharmendra, now 66, "but when you are not given even your due, then you withdraw yourself and just let your work speak."

Deol's father is also his icon. Dharmendra has this story about Deol when he was a child. It was 1961. Star M. Rajan had gone to visit Dharmendra, the young co-star of his latest film Shola Aur Shabnam, then staying in a terrace flat in Khar. Seeing him, the four-year-old child began pacing the flat with the new air gun Dharmendra had bought him. "I'm going to shoot him. He hit my father in the film," he snarled when mother Prakash asked what he was doing.

The mother is rarely a topic of conversation, part of the Deol family purdah. But the anger has always been there, an adjunct to what director Raj Kumar Santoshi calls "the ideal hero concept - a unique combination of a vulnerable face and powerful, earthy physique".

Dharmendra is Deol's dominant parental reality: while Santoshi considers Ghayal and Damini the actor's best performances, he thinks Ghaatak, where Deol's character breaks down after discovering that his father is terminally ill with cancer, is one of his single greatest scenes.

There are parallels with Dharmendra in his personal life too. The wife normally lives away from him while Dimple Kapadia is his discreet muse. One catches a fleeting glimpse of the beautiful actress at the hotel in Film City. Their 15-year affair is one of the industry's most open secrets, but don't ask Deol about it.

Family ties are strong. Deol planned his directorial debut Dillagi as a gift to his father, but it very nearly broke the family financially. "We still have to repay debts of a few crores, but my son is pulling us out of it slowly with his hard work. I'm proud of him," says Dharmendra. It looks as if he wouldn't have to be worried about being in hock any more.

Deol allows a twinkle into his eyes when quizzed about his rumoured pre-Gadar asking price of Rs.2 crore. "This much I can tell you - that figure is way off the mark. I always ask for the maximum and I refuse to compromise on that because I think if a newcomer can give me what I'm asking for, then why can't an established director or producer? Anyway, I had raised my rate just before Gadar, and now the people who fussed know I'm worth it."

Post-Gadar he reportedly charges Rs.4-5 crore per film. Industry watchers see the inflexibility over price as one of the many reasons why Deol has managed to rub colleagues the wrong way ever since he strayed on to the firmament with his acting debut in Betaab in 1983.

In the post-Hum Aapke Hain Koun (HAHK) and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai - inspired era of extended wedding videos and college love, the bombastic, jingoistic Gadar, now one-and-a-half months since its release, is being touted as the film that could break the record set by HAHK in the mid-1990s.

Pleasant coincidence, considering that HAHK's predecessor in the record books was Dharmendra's Sholay. Gadar was sold for an astounding Rs.3 crore in the Delhi-Uttar Prtadesh territory but distributor Manpreet Chadha says he recovered that money by the end of the second week.

Deol is making hay while Gadar shines. Slammed by critics through the 1980s, his first national award for Ghayal was much-needed manna. The next one came for Best Supporting Actor, as the drunken lawyer in Damini. The awards came even as he struggled with two back surgeries.

Darr, Ghaatak, Border and Ziddi have been hits. Though the box-office has remained lukewarm through much of the late-1990s, his distributors have for long considered him a solid star on whose films they are likely to recover costs even if they are not hits.

Analyst Maithili Rao believes Dillagi showed Deol has a largely unexplored flair for comedy - just like his father, though not with as much breadth. But when it's dancing, both are famous for their two left feet.

His uncle, director Guddu Dhanoa, says the famed Deol lack of dancing talent doesn't matter. Punjab proudly claims him as its own. The crowds don't seem to have noticed that his heroine Amisha Patel looks young enough to be his child in Gadar.

When thousands turned up to watch him during Gadar's location shoots at Amritsar, Pathankot and Ferozepur, director Anil Sharma says, "They never said Sunny was coming. It was always sadda Sunny (our Sunny) or mera pra."

The 5 ft 10.5 inches tall hero sports biceps that can swell to 18 inches after a workout. He's a health freak who does not drink or smoke, never travels without his personal trainer and rarely misses the daily workout. Yet he doesn't sport the sculpted Salman Khan look. For him it's the more hirsute akhara body complete with bulging midriff. He's not ashamed of the belly, but has one clear rule: no photographs on a day when he has not worked out.

But despite the public adulation, Deol the man is as much an enigma as Deol the box-office draw. Schoolmate Karim Morani, who also produced Damini and Arjun, speaks of a shy, emotional child who stayed away from school drama competitions.

Amisha is all gush, "Kaho Na... Pyaar Hai wasn't released when I began shooting for Gadar, yet he never made me feel like a newcomer." Brother Bobby is in complete awe of his "guardian angel". Shooting in Scotland for Barsaat in 1995, Bobby broke his leg after an equestrian accident. Big brother immediately chartered a private jet to fly him down to London and cancelled his own shoots to look after his injured sibling.

Deol's stunt duplicate Yakoob Khan has one refrain, "Sunnysaab achche hain," but has to admit that Sunnysaab did not visit him after he was badly burnt in a room on fire during the shooting of Himmat.

There are huge areas of silence in his life. Wife Pooja, whom he met in the UK while studying to be an actor, is one of many subjects that Deol will not discuss. She is never seen in public. Sons Karan and Rajvir are not to be photographed. There's an unwritten rule in the Deol household: the women will not act.

Being inscrutable is part of his shtick even on the sets of Karz, though when an assistant switches on a fan during a take, he barks, "Us ulloo de patthe ne fan nahin on karna tha (That **** was not supposed to switch on the fan)."

His bark is there when he talks about Yash Chopra too. Ask him if he was in awe of Amitabh Bachchan when working with him, and he asks in turn, "When I have the greatest actor in the world in my house, why would I be in awe of anybody else?"

The label of a shouting machine with perpetually bloodied biceps is not likely to leave him if his forthcoming films are anything to go by: he's a vigilante supercop in Indian, there's also the Kargil-esque drama Maa Tujhe Salaam, and other action adventures. But ask him about the action hero tag that he so hates, and he shoots back, "People talk about action as though there is no acting involved. Then they should call the others dancing stars or romantic stars because all they do is run around trees and romance."

For Sunny Deol, whether as the jailbreaker in Ghayal or Tara Singh roaring at the cowering Pakistan police in Gadar, romancing his audiences may be just a piece of beefcake.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.12.12 14:16. Заголовок: http://sphotos-d.ak...

Саня нумерологию уважает, новый фильм начинает снимать 12.12.12.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.12.12 21:02. Заголовок: - да, завтра красиво..

- да, завтра красивое число...

Это Анилу Шарме так подфартило - для его 'Singh Saab The Great' Cаня как раз и в бороде и с тюрбаном сроднился...
"... "Называйте это судьбой или удачей, но мой фильм начинается 12.12.12, в день, который бывает раз в столетие", - улыбается Шарма, который запланировал 50-дневный съемочный график в городах Бхопал, Индор и Maхешвар." Саня будет в нем снова сикхом - "честным, принципиальным, стоящим на своих принципах, не смотря ни на что" - но при этом пишут, что характер выписан сценаристом такой, какого он прежде не играл. (Во всяком случае я так поняла через Googl-переводчик )

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.12.12 12:04. Заголовок: 50 дней? Его на Новы..

50 дней? Его на Новый год домой-то отпустят? Или у них не празднуют?

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или Лорик :))

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.12.12 12:13. Заголовок: nari пишет: Или у н..

nari пишет:

Или у них не празднуют?

У них не празднуют. Ну то есть чисто для проформы - пришел и пришел.
У них дивали такого же значения, как у нас новый год - фейерверки, гуляния и несколько дней веселья.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.12.12 17:46. Заголовок: BobbyK Понятно. Зн..


Понятно. Значит Санек будт пахать, как папа Карло.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.12.12 23:41. Заголовок: BobbyK пишет: У них ..

BobbyK пишет:
У них дивали такого же значения, как у нас новый год

- вот, не зря же они все так дружно на Дивали оторвались - уже и по поздравлятельному видео видать

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.01.13 22:39. Заголовок: http://www.starblock..

Интересней всего тут денежные расчеты по Ямле.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.03.13 22:52. Заголовок: At a time when whate..

At a time when whatever a star does becomes a headline, actor Sunny Deol says Deols don't like to sell themselves and would rather be known for their work.

While many actors remain in limelight all the time, the Deol family keeps their personal life guarded.

"We like to have dignity and like to stick to what we are. We don't like to sell ourselves. Today people are not ashamed of revealing or talking about anything. May be that is the culture or trend of the society today but we will not do it ever," Sunny told PTI in an interview here.

"I should be known for my work and not how I promote myself and what I do. I don't want to be known for bad things in life ever. I should be known for my work. People should love me for my work. And if my work is not good they should kick me out," he said.

Sunny, 56, made his acting debut with Betaab (1983) opposite Amrita Singh. His performance in films like Arjun (1985), Ghayal (1990) and Ghatak(1996) gave him the action hero title.

The actor received national award twice for Ghayal and Damini and gave memorable performances in films like Darr, Border, Gadar, The Hero, Yamla Pagla Deewana and others.

"I think I had a great journey. I have seen quite a lot of things in life. I would not like to change anything. Because every moment of my life has taught me something. The last few years had been tough, everybody has tough times," Sunny said.

"I would say one must just keep working hard and not lose faith. You don't know when destiny is going to come your way, what opportunity comes your way," he said.

Sunny is going slow in his filmi career these days. His last release was Yamla Pagla Deewana in 2011.

Ask him what kept him away from films, the actor says, "I was not getting good subjects that would excite me. Also my health was not good, that was also a reason. The subjects that I was offered did not suit me."

"And if there were subjects that suited me, people were not confident of making a film with me. They thought I won't be viable for the project," he admitted.

Now, Sunny has a few films lined up for release like - 'I Love New Year', Yamla Pagla Deewana 2, Mohalla Assi, Singh Saheb The Great and Ghayal Returns.

"The films which are almost ready for release this year are I Love New Year, Yamla Pagla Deewana 2, Mohalla Assi and Singh Saheb The Great," he said.

With changing times when films promotions have taken a centre stage, Sunny feels that reaching out to audience is important today.

"I think promotions are very important but at times we over do it and at times we do it less. But it is very important. Earlier, fans had to search for their favourite actor's upcoming film but now we have to reach out to them," he said.

"Reaching out has become important. As everybody is involved in promotions today, it is necessary to do it in an innovative manner," he added.

But he does feel selling the film on TV has also become important today? "It is important that a film gets sold (TV rights) as it speaks volume about the film. If the movie is not sold, it becomes difficult to earn or make money. We are on the mercy of the buyer. We should not compromise. But that should not be the reason why we make films," he said.

Also, as Rs 100 crore has become a benchmark to measure a film's success, the actor feels it was prevalent even earlier but has got highlighted now.

"Everybody wants success. Today money is the main issue of life and our films are a reflection of what the society, the country is. We are not different. And cinema has been doing the business of Rs 100 crore for years but that is getting noticed today," he said.

"If you evaluate the success of old films it will be more than Rs 100 crore. So I don't think anything has changed," Sunny added.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.05.13 12:21. Заголовок: - обширное Санино и..

- обширное Санино интервью - но нового ничего, скорей, сведение всего по всем фильмам. которые сейчас на выходе

Sunny Deol Says Cinema Keeps Him Young!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.05.13 18:17. Заголовок: Да, я вчера посмотре..

Да, я вчера посмотрела - такое ощущение, что они это интервью составили из кусков предыдущих.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.06.13 14:23. Заголовок:

June 7, 2013, 8:30 AM

The Front Row: Sunny Deol

On “The Front Row” this week, Anupama Chopra talks to actor Sunny Deol about acting dynasties, box-office success and how Bollywood is being taken over by teenagers.

Edited excerpts:

Anupama Chopra: “Yamla Pagla Deewana 2” is the ultimate family film with three generations of Deols working on it, including your son Karan. And I read that the idea for the film came from your wife. What is it like to work with family so closely on a film?

Sunny Deol: You see we live together in a joint family. But actually we are not so much together all the time because Bobby (Deol) is doing something. Dad is doing something. I am out somewhere shooting. Only when we are doing a film is when we are 24-7 together. And that’s the moment which we really cherish because from morning to evening we are together; We have discussed the sequences we are shooting and then in the evening we pack-up and then we walk around the streets of the U.K. going to the restaurants. So to me they are the beautiful times, which you cherish.

Anupama: Dharamji [Dharam Singh Deol ] said in an interview that it is no longer showbiz, it’s showoff biz. Acting today is all about marketing and being a brand. How do you feel about this?

Mr Deol: I think after a film or two I have realized that we have done good cinema but we didn’t achieve what we wanted. There was no fault with the film, it’s our fault. We didn’t do what everybody was doing. It was high time we changed and so now, we are doing everything that is required and my way of doing things is to I enjoy them. So I find a reason why I should enjoy it. I try to find some creative things in it and take it ahead.

Anupama: Sunny you’ve won two national awards. Your father is a Bollywood legend. Between him, you and Bobby, you have approximately 101 years of experience and 405 movies. But when it comes to making a film, how did you opt for a comedy like the “Yamla Pagla Deewana” series? Was box-office the main consideration?

Mr. Deol: I am an entertainer. Cinema is entertainment. It is nothing more than that. I love the cinema. We have done “Yamla Pagla Deewana” before. The characters were so beautiful, they were so bubbly and interesting. The chemistry between Dad, me and my brother was so interesting. The way we were interacting it was so fresh and new. Other films starred big names, but the chemistry which we hold when we do things, it’s far different from what the rest are doing. To me, the box-office is basically the cost of film. If your film costs so much and your box-office is so much and a bit more, you are okay. So, it’s not a figure, 1 billion rupees or 1.5 billion rupees. It’s not that.

The Front Row with Anupama Chopra
Anupama Chopra and Sunny Deol on the sets of ‘The Front Row with Anupama Chopra.’
Anupama; Sunny, the industry has changed a lot in the last 30 years. Do you think somewhere the Deols got sidelined or left behind?

Mr. Deol: We were not sidelined or left behind. We just stayed where we wanted to be because we wanted to make cinema our way, on our terms and on our conditions. And a few years back, lots of camps came in and everything started turning into camps. We are no-camping kind of people, so obviously we were left out. My production company wasn’t doing well so we were not producing films. Over a period of time, we have realized that we are going to produce our own films and make cinema that we like. We’ve got so much in-house talent and my kids are going to be coming, so we all decided that we are going to be in films and cinema.

Anupama: Your son Karan will be launched [in the film industry] next year. He is going to come in to a world that is very different from what you started in in 1983. So, what are your biggest concerns for him?

Mr. Deol: Whenever a person enters, at that moment things are different.

Like when I joined the films, that time, teenagers were not the thing. It was all senior actors. A teenager could have never got a foot in. Right now, it’s [all about the] teenager actors and the senior actors are trying to get their footing. There is a lot of competition and a lot of good actors around. I am really fond of Chintu’s son (Ranbir Kapoor). He is really good. He sticks to what he wants to do. He is not interested in six-packs and the stupid things that a lot of newcomer actors are thinking of. I am waiting for Karan to mature and grasp all that he can. When I feel he is really right there, we will launch him and then after that then it is his hard-work, his destiny that is going to take him where and wherever it has to.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.06.13 15:02. Заголовок: A setback for Sunny ..

A setback for Sunny Deol

Looks like Sunny Deol's plans to 'redefine action' with 'Ghayal Returns', the sequel to the Rajkumar Santoshi-directed 1990 blockbuster, may have to wait a while longer. First, Ashwini Chaudhary was to direct the sequel but following the release of its teaser promo with Salman Khan-starrer Ready, Sunny had a change of heart and asked Rahul Rawail of Arjun fame to helm the project.

While the movie would have marked Rawail's return to Sunny's banner - Vijayta Films after he directed their first production, Betaab, in 1983, it has hit a rocky patch and may not be happening in the near future.
Rawail confirmed the news yesterday saying, "You are right. I got a message from the Vijayta Films' office today. Though I am ready with the script, what can I do? They are the producers and this is their decision."

Buzz in the trade is that Vijayta Films has done a rethink on their Ghayal Returns strategy simply because their latest release YamlaPaglaDeewana 2 has garnered a slightly mixed response.

While Sunny refrained from comment, a friend of his called up to say that there was a fallout between Rawail and the actor a couple of days ago, the bone of contention being the film's writers. "The writers chosen by Sunny were not gelling well with Rawail while the writers chosen by Rawail were not up to Sunny's expectations," the friend said, adding: "However, Ghayal Returns not happening for now has nothing to do with YPD2. If need be, Sunny will himself direct the film. This movie is so close to his heart."

So far, Ghayal Returns has been pushed back not only because of the change in director from Chaudhary to Rawail but also because of the delay in finalising its leading lady. Initially, there were reports that Prachi Desai was being considered for the role followed by Bipasha Basu and then Vidya Balan but none of them were finalised.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.11.13 14:10. Заголовок: Саня и фитнес http:/..

Саня и фитнес

Sunny Deol Workout Routine & Fitness Secret

Ajay Deol aka Sunny Deol was born in Sahnewal village of Punjab, India on October 19, 1956 to Yesteryears Bollywood superstar Dharmendra. Also known as the “Original Action King of Bollywood” by media for his super muscular body and action oriented roles Sunny Deol has established himself as a leading actor in Bollywood. Even at 57 he is one of best action heroes of all time in Bollywood.
Sunny has won many awards including National Film Awards for his outstanding performances. He is hugely popular for his body muscles, his fitness and action roles which made us to write this article revealing Sunny Deol workout routine & fitness secret. He inspires youth to take fitness seriously. His macho looks and muscular body is a result of his hard workout routine. He was athletic from childhood and loves to play outdoor sports. So let’s have a look at the Sunny Deol’s workout routine & fitness mantra of this legendary action hero of Bollywood.

Sunny Deol was always a fitness freak and staying fit is his passion. Due to his back problems he cannot lift weights. But he still goes to gym everyday and follows his regular workout routine. He also plays outdoor games to stay fit. Sunny Deol’s workout routine & fitness mantra includes:
His workout starts with some warm up exercise followed by some cardio exercises.
He plays Table Tennis and Squash everyday to stay fit
If he is shooting outdoors he goes for hiking on mountains
He also prefers taking long walks
He has always been far away from alcohol and smoking habits
He also practices pranayam for an hour every day and feels that yoga is the best exercise for your body as well as mind.
He also indulges in swimming every day.

Sunny Deol Workout & Fitness Tips
Never ignore an injury and take proper rest and care as advised before hitting the gym again.
Don’t drink and smoke to lead a healthy life.
Indulge in some outdoor sport and play it daily.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.13 14:48. Заголовок: http://www.india-for..

The top heroines turn me down: Sunny Deol
Sunny Deol is seen romancing a much younger Urvashi Rautela in Anil Sharma-directed "Singh Saab The Great" and he says he will continue to work with new talent as established actresses are not keen to work with him. He is also in no

Sunny Deol is seen romancing a much younger Urvashi Rautela in Anil Sharma-directed "Singh Saab The Great" and he says he will continue to work with new talent as established actresses are not keen to work with him. He is also in no mood to mince words about the way the film industry functions nowadays.
"About time a film of mine was well-received. I am tired of the long non-happening phase. Unfortunately I haven't had too many releases recently. There are some of my films that are on hold. Hopefully, they'll be released soon. But let me add, I don't need to prove myself. I just need good cinema, the kind of cinema I believe in," said Sunny.
Sunny, 57, is seen romancing 19-year-old Urvashi Rautela in the film.
Why a co-star half his age?
"We are acting. We are not really husband and wife. If she's much younger, that's fine. A lot of wives are much younger than husbands. That's no secret. And by the way, I am sure Urvashi is not 19 year either," said the actor who completes 30 years in filmdom after starting his journey with "Betaab" in 1983. On the way, he has given hits like "Ghayal" and "Damini".
The actor, who worked with the likes of Dimple Kapadia and Meenakshi Sheshadri, says that the current lot of established actresses are not keen to work with him.
"I've had problems with established heroines. For reasons best known to them, they don't want to work with me. It's a fact. The top heroines turn me down whenever I ask them to work with me. They want to work with Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Hrithik Roshan. So it's fine," said Sunny.
"I search for new heroines, like Urvashi Rautela. These girls do not ration dates. While working on a film I don't have to deal with my heroine's tantrums when she's a newcomer. Now if you give an A-lister co-star I won't be able to work with her. Also, I get a chance to give new talent to the film industry. So yeah, I'll be seen with new co-stars in the future.
"There are lots of new talented and pretty girls in the industry. And trust me, these new girls won't look mismatched with me. I am open to adapting myself to the changes around me," he added.
Sunny plays a Sikh in "Singh Saab The Great" and this is said to be the sixth time he is playing a turbaned character on the screen.
Speaking of his affinity to Sardarji roles, he said: "I don't know how it happened. It started with J.P. Dutta's 'Border'. These Sardarji roles offer me powerful characters. 'Singh Saab The Great' may seem old-fashioned to some. I suggest they move out of Mumbai and look at the rest of the country. Har kahaani ka apna rang hota hai."
Lately Sunny featured on the small screen to promote his films.
"I've to confess, I enjoyed it," he said.
Regarding the sorry box office outcome of his last film "Yamla Pagla Deewana 2", Sunny says he had no idea how it would pan out.
"Forget what I thought about the film. It's what the audience thought that matters. They rejected the film, and that's that. It may have deserved to flop. But are you trying to tell me that only good deserving films do well? There are so many films that you feel are not working out well and they turn into hits," said Sunny.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.13 15:49. Заголовок: - действительно, Урв..

- действительно, Урваши вряд ли 19... Да и вместе они во флешбеке, где и Сане, по идее нет сорока. Но выглядит девушка довольно беспомощно, особенно в сцене, где должна вызывать море сочувствия.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.13 16:41. Заголовок: Ну так если "зве..

Ну так если "звезды" отказываются с Саней сниматься - что делать? Вообще печальное интервью, надо сказать.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.13 23:16. Заголовок: - печальное. согласн..

- печальное. согласна... но вообще-то, Сане уже бы с дебютантками в ролях дочерей или хотя бы сестер работать... Ему бы уже хорошие по-возрасту роли - да, видимо, это у них равносильно отставке

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.11.13 10:54. Заголовок: The heartening respo..

The heartening response to Anil Sharma's 'Singh Saab The Great' has put a smile back on Sunny Deol's face and the sunshine is again visible in Sunny Deol's career.

Now comes that the long-delayed Sunny Deol rom-com 'I Love NY', directed by the duo Vinay Sapru and Radhika Rao whose release has been postponed for a while.

According to a source close to the project, "The producer Bhushan Kumar was waiting to see the outcome of 'Singh Saab The Great'. Now that it has done well enough 'I Love NY' will be released right after Bhushan's wife Divya Khosla Kumar's 'Yaariyan'."

The 'I Love NY' leading lady Kangna Ranaut's career too was on a downslide. But now with 'Krrish 3', she is back on the reckoning, and never mind the disastrous 'Rajjo'.

Relieved and happy, Sunny Deol confirms, "We are looking at an early release of 'I Love NY'. It's a sweet rom-com. The delay has not dated it one bit. And it's a new genre for me."

In the meanwhile, Anil Sharma who directed 'Singh Saab The Great' is jubilant about the film's collection and is planning yet another action film with Sunny Deol in the lead. "I am in Delhi to attend a wedding. Everyone from the hotel receptionist to the guests at the wedding are saying they've seen and liked my film, or they want to see it. It's a good feeling. I'm very happy for Sunny and for myself."

Not willing to shed too much light on his next venture with Sunny, Sharma says, "It's two weeks of complete joblessness for me. Then I get back to working on my next film."
пока неизвестно, откуда, на фейсбуке ссылки нет.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.11.13 21:54. Заголовок: - молодцы люди, знаю..

- молодцы люди, знают, что смотреть и что хвалить Здорово, если "Новый год"-таки выйдет к Новому году...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 28.11.13 13:55. Заголовок: Last Friday saw the ..

Last Friday saw the release of two starkly different films, Gori Tere Pyaar Mein (GTPM) and Singh Saab The Great (SSTG). While both films got off to a lesser than expected start, the business at the BO over the weekend wasn't impressive at all. In this edition of Box Office Report Card, we take a look at both the films collections over the Opening Weekend.

Surprisingly as it may sound, Sunny Deol starrer Singh Saab The Great did way better business at the Box Office over the weekend collecting Rs. 18.5 crores. On the other hand, Gori Tere Pyaar Mein had a disastrous Opening Weekend barely managing to collect Rs. 9.50 crores.

With such a vast difference in the collections, one will have to just wait and watch how much Gori Tere Pyaar Mein ends up making by the end of its first week. While it'll be interesting to see if Sunny Deol manages to pull more audiences to the theatres with his action hero image in Singh Saab The Great.

Типа "кто бы мог подумать, что Санин фильм привлечет зрителей в кинотеатры..."

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 28.11.13 23:32. Заголовок: - да, тончик :sm132:..

- да, тончик иезуитский "Будет интересно посмотреть, если Санни Деола удастся вытащить больше зрителей в кинотеатры со своим киногероем..."

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.11.13 00:13. Заголовок: Составляю список вра..

Составляю список врагов народа. Они еще и считать не умеют. Вот если "Крриш" по ихним расчетам стоил 130 крор, а собрал 178 - то в каком месте он хит??? Я-то думаю, что он стоил дешевле, где-то что-то попадалось, но вот как им верить?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.12.13 23:38. Заголовок: - вот, вроде бы инте..

- вот, вроде бы интервью на две страницы

Both my sons want to be actors: Sunny Deol

- и начинается с того, что-де "его обычно угрюмый вид дней прошлого теперь заменен освежающей откровенностью" - а чего-то нового только то, что вынесено в заголовок: оба его сына не просто хотят, а серьезно намерены стать актерами. Всё прочее писано-читано уже много раз...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.01.14 21:31. Заголовок: Саня говорит о "..

Саня говорит о "Шолей".

Proud of his father's success, the actor is all excited for the film

The New Year kicks in with the epic 1975 hit 'Sholay' re-releasing in a 3D format. Amitabh Bachchan and Dharmendra are two names that are associated with this film and excited about his dad's re-release, Sunny Deol shares his happiness.

"The whole country is attached to this movie and with the 3D effect added to it, its sounds and looks even better. The ones who have seen it are going to love it and the ones who haven't are in for a new experience all together," he shares.

Proud about his father, he adds, "I will go home and give him a tight hug. There is no comparison with Papa and Amitji and our generation today. There is no point even comparing and we cannot do anything to compare ourselves with them." And added,

"It’s a good film, an iconic film. Its not buy fluke or by chance, that after 38 years we can still relate to it, that means how good the film is. I cannot say the same with the films of today."

"I was emotional throughout the film, you can see it in my eyes. The first time I saw this film was at Rajkamal. I was flying off to England that time before going I had to see the film. I loved it then also. As a matter of fact, I am seeing this film after 38 years," he shares about its timeless appeal.

About his favourite character he says, "My favourite character in this film is obviously my dad.” On promotions, he added, "Its not that you don’t need promotions but until you don't do an event, people won't come to see your film as they wouldn't know about it."

Как он взволнован, как ему нравится, что нет никакого сравнения поколений папы и его. Оказывается, он первый раз увидел фильм, когда летел в Англию. Ну а что - ему тогда уже 19 лет было, как раз его отправили в театре играть.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.01.14 12:29. Заголовок: - вот и разница: Сан..

- вот и разница: Саня смотрел в 19-ть, когда уже был самостоятельным, и любит это кино всю жизнь. А Бобс, видимо, с мамой, - так и говорит, что-де римейк "Моей деревни" и так себе...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.01.14 12:34. Заголовок: Кстати, да, Бобу тог..

Кстати, да, Бобу тогда 7 лет было...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.02.14 00:14. Заголовок: http://blogs.tribune.. - Jai Ho: Salman Khan, the new Sunny Deol?

Интересный взгляд на вещи...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.02.14 06:17. Заголовок: "Пенджабский лев..

"Пенджабский лев" - красиво. Выходит, для кого-то Саня-таки эталон.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.02.14 10:21. Заголовок: Да Сангю постоянно &..

Да Саню постоянно "пенджабским львом" называют. А еще я пытаюсь понять, что такое "babbar sher". Шер - это лев, а вот кто такой "баббар"...
Если это имя, то говорят, что от тюркского "бабур" - Лев. Получается, что он весь такой львиный лев?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.03.14 20:18. Заголовок: Sunny Deol has begun..

Sunny Deol has begun beautifying the area around his office in Juhu. An open area has been covered with net, with twigs thrown casually on top. Below this, he has placed a few comfortable wooden benches. The white walls have beautiful wooden flower holders, resembling those you see in Swiss hotel windows. Sources say the actor will shortly start a small cafe to cater to in-house visitors. Sunny's office premises also have a preview theatre and dubbing facilities. With the cafe coming in, it is likely to become a hub of activity.

ALSO READ: Both my sons want to be actors: Sunny Deol

There are many people who wish to lease out the area for their food chains. However, the actor, who is a very private person, is not sure whether he wants outsiders entering his studio compound. One also hears that Sunny's own personal terrace on the sixth floor is fully redone. Earlier, Dimple Kapadia had given him some suggestions. But this time around, one doesn't think Dimple has anything to do with the design. The actor, who has impeccable taste in clothes and decor, seems to have done most of it himself.

Саня облагораживает территорию около своей студии. Он натянул над двором сетку от падающих веток, хочет сделать кафе на первом этаже для работающих в здании. А еще у него личная терраса на шестом этаже, дизайн которой сделала Димпл Кападия.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.03.14 23:41. Заголовок: а вот чтоб им было н..

а вот чтоб им было не фоткнуть ту терассу - хоть издаля...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.03.14 23:48. Заголовок: Да ваще злодеи!..

Да ваще злодеи!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.03.14 05:49. Заголовок: ООооо,дизайн сделала..

ООооо,дизайн сделала Димпл?Интересненько....

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.03.14 09:31. Заголовок: Деоломанка Так я о..


Так я об чем и говорю! Саня не светится, но свобода действий ему необходима. Как и папе.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.03.14 05:51. Заголовок: Ну такая ничего себе..

Ну такая ничего себе свобода то

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.11.15 15:10. Заголовок: Про молодых актеров ..

Про молодых актеров в Санином фильме

But things didn't work out with a couple of directors and he had to write and direct it himself. "I can't believe a quarter of a century has passed, it feels like only a decade ago when we started working on Ghayal, gave it our best and realised we'd made a nice film only when people started talking after the release. That's what I'm doing once again," says the actor who returns as a mature Ajay Mehra after seeing the country change over the years.

Joining him will be four youngsters who reflect today's youth. "Youngsters change threefive years. Harkatein wahi hain, bas tareeke badal jaate hain," he smiles.

Shivam Patil aka Rohan is the leader of a pack, a lawyer's son with the attitude of a sportsman, who stands up for justice. In a way, he's like a younger Sunny from Arjun.

Following Rohan is Varun, fondly called Fattu, who comes from a traditional, close-knit, khata-peeta, joint family. "He would otherwise not take chances but believes in his friends and friendship and busts the myth that a darpok man can't do much. "Sometimes a darpok is braver than the bravest man and Fattu proves that," says Sunny who was looking for a vulnerable Varun and Rishabh Arora fit the bill.

There are two girls, Anushka and Zoya. TV actress Aanchal Munjha plays Anushka, an aspiring photographer, brought up by her nana who is close to Rohan. Model Diana Khan plays Zoya who has a pet dog and writes a blog, Pretending Parents, which reflects her and her parents who are too busy with their jobs to pay attention to her.

"I was looking for 17-year-olds who looked and behaved like kids. I wanted every parent watching them to feel as if they were their own bachcha or bachchi and not a hero or a heroine. Kids that age are pure, have strong views on right and wrong and even coming from different backgrounds, bond as one. That bond breaks by the time you are 25-26, and you stop doing what you once believed in," philosophises Sunny.

He admits that when he joined the industry, he believed in a certain kind of cinema which was reflected in films like Betaab, Arjun, Dacait and Ghayal. "Over the years, I moved away from that kind of cinema but decided to go back to it with this film, only to realise that most directors today don't relate to that brand. Even the writers have a set screenplay and dialogue which is picked up from here and there and doesn't reflect what's actually happening in the world. I was doing that as an actor too but I didn't want to follow it as a director. I wanted my film to reflect our black-and-white society and the grey characters we've become," he reasons.

What does he feel about the "growing intolerance" that everyone is protesting against? Has India really changed drastically in the last year-and-a-half? "Not in the last two years, but yes, it has changed to the point where we don't know what will happen next. But the country only mirrors us and today, every man is being evaluated on the basis of money rather than character. If he's rich, he's a model citizen, if he's poor, he's not. Everyone is looking for attention instead of focussing on being a good citizen first," he says.

And what is his take on the 'award wapsi' trend? Will he consider returning his National Award? "I haven't been following the news so I don't know who these people are and why they are doing this. They must have their reasons. But I was given the national honour for something good and it represents the country. If you're saying something is wrong with our country, then something is wrong with you first," he retorts.

After Ghayal Once Again releases, Sunny plans to take a holiday. It's been taxing for him looking into every little detail of the film. But he will return to roll with his third directorial early next year, to launch his elder son, Karan aka Rocky. "The script is almost ready. It's an interesting love story but will have action too like Betaab. Prem kahanis are not only about love, pyaar, ishq, vishk," he laughs. "But this time I won't be acting, only directing my son. And two years later, I'll launch my younger son, Rajvir. I love doing this, it's all I know," he signs off with a smile.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.11.15 19:47. Заголовок: По поводу трейлера ..

По поводу трейлера

see this video..and got reaction of these guys...after seen the trailer of "*GHAYAL ONCE AGAIN"* these guys says..this is good trailer...all bollywood films have typical love story and many this one have story..and i like the action scene of this film..positive points guys..surely all time blockbuster is coming.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.11.15 21:58. Заголовок: По поводу грима к Га..

По поводу грима к Гайялу 2:

Sunny Deol had a close shave during the shoot of the Ghayal sequel. The action-packed thriller, which introduces four debutants - Shivam Patil, Rishabh Arora, Diana Khan and Aanchal Munjal, traces the journey and trials of Ajay Mehra, the aspiring boxing champ from the original, from 1990 to 2015. A crucial jail sequence required Sunny Deol, who returns with the iconic character after a quarter of a century, to go bald. It was integral to the script of Ghayal Once Again and for a few minutes, the actor-director toyed with the idea of tonsuring his head before opting for prosthetics to ensure continuity. A UK-based prosthetic and make-up artist, Clover Wootton, who has settled in India and is a popular name in Bollywood, was roped in. "She worked on the look before the shoot," informs co-producer, Sunil Saini, in a Mumbai Mirror report, admitting that the actor was taken aback when he saw himself in the mirror. "But he was happy because this was also what he had wanted. He's been under a lot of stress and mental trauma in jail and the shaving of the head is part of the treatment. It has a calming effect on him and puts him on the path to recovery," he said.

While Sunny opted for the easier way out, click on the next slide to find out as to which actor shaved his hair every morning to ensure continuity...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 28.01.16 20:32. Заголовок: http://www.boxoffice.. - большое интервью.

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Сообщение: 2291
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.02.16 02:06. Заголовок: ещё одно объемное ин..

ещё одно объемное интервью - вроде, другое - для Filmfare. С красивым фото. И очень грустными словами - про человеческую безответственность и нечестность, про нелюбовь к дипломатии и всё-таки вере в людей... Вообщем, как Дхарам.

Sunny Deols "Filmfare" interview after the release of Ghayal Once Again

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Сообщение: 5693
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.02.16 10:17. Заголовок: Спасибо, что нашла, ..

Спасибо, что нашла, почитаю.

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Сообщение: 5695
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Откуда: Нижний Новгород
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.02.16 21:48. Заголовок: https://in.movies.ya.. - статья про то, что Санни не знает, за что хвататься дальше. То ли сына Карана запускать, то ли фильм с Бобби снимать.

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Сообщение: 5839
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.06.16 22:25. Заголовок: http://www.justbolly.. - если бы "Гадар" вышел сейчас, то его сборы пересекли бы отметку в 400 крор.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.11.16 15:25. Заголовок: Очередной римейк хот..

Очередной римейк хотят забацать?

Рoducers of The Expendables, Avi and Yariv Lerner, have teamed up with Nilesh Sahay for the Hindi remake of the Hollywood action franchise.

The movie, which will go on floors in January/February 2017, will be shot at virgin locations of India, Russia and Bulgaria to name a few. Producers, Avi and Yariv confirmed the news to a leading daily by saying,

"I'm excited to be working with Nilesh and look forward to helping him bring his epic vision of The Expendables to life, making it a landmark across all industries."

The Expendables (2010) starred action stars like Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, amongst others. Producer Nilesh promised that the star-cast of the Indian version will not disappoint either.

"All I can say is belt up, the apocalypse is coming," said Nilesh on being asked about the star-cast.

Given the fact that the biggest international action superstars teamed up for The Expendables, it would be interesting to see if the Indian Producer manages a casting coup by roping in the biggest Indian action stars: Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn, Hrithik Roshan and Sunny Deol!

Hollywood blockbuster The Expendables is a three film franchise and it would be interesting to see if Bollywood follows the similar route.

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